bloque 2 día 3 Programed Workouts

Semana 19, Día 3

Pon en marcha el temporizador cuando empieces, y no olvides registrar tu ejercicio una vez hayas terminado.

Este es el tercer día de la 16ª semana de entrenamientos programados en los Entrenamientos para Embarazadas Principiantes BumptUp.

Pon en marcha el temporizador cuando empieces, y no olvides registrar tu ejercicio una vez hayas terminado.

¡¡¡Recuerda realizar un calentamiento completo y adecuado para activar todos los grupos musculares a los que nos dirigimos, así como para elevar tu ritmo cardiaco de modo que te sientas preparado para moverte!!!

Calentamiento estándar

¡Aquí tienes un enlace a un calentamiento dinámico de estiramientos de 5 minutos! El calentamiento es fundamental para aprovechar al máximo tu entrenamiento. Prepara tu cuerpo para moverse al máximo con una serie de ejercicios de activación antes de pasar a las series de trabajo.

Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

1Front Foot Elevated Lunge10 each side
2Plank Saw10 reps
3Bodyweight Squat + Calf Raise10 reps
4Heel Lifts10 each side
5Shoulder Shrug10 reps
6Milk Jug/ Kettle Bell Rotational Chop Low to High10 each side
7Crab Walk +Leg Kick10 each side
  1. Front Foot Elevated Lunge

10 reps each side

  • Find a low step, and stand 2-3 feet behind it facing the step.
  • Just like a normal walking lunge, reach forward with one leg to take a longer step, with the front foot landing on the stair. The elevation of the front foot should make the movement easier than a regular lunge
  • Lower the back knee down, and then push off of the step to bring the front foot back to starting position.

2. Plank Saw

10 reps

  • Start in a normal plank position. Keeping your back flat, slowly rock your shoulderers forwards and back, just like your body is functioning as a jig saw.
  • Make small movements, and keep your core tight throughout the movement.

3. Body Weight Squat + Calf Raise

10 reps

  • Stand with feet just wider than shoulder width, hands positioned at the chest. Bend your knees and sit your hips back, just like sitting in a chair.
  • Keep your chest tall. Hold at the bottom of the squat for 1-2 seconds, and then stand all the way back up.
    • Use a countertop of chair for support if needed.
  • When standing up, extend all the way up on your toes to do a calf raise in between each squat

4. Heel Lifts

10 reps each side

  • Begin with hands on your hips in a standing position, legs approximately shoulder width apart.
  • Transfer your weight from left to right foot while kicking your heel to your backside every time it leaves the ground.
  • Alternate back and forth continuously like jogging in place, but with emphasis on bringing your heel to your backside.

5. Shoulder Shrug

10 reps

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms hanging loosely at the sides. 
  • Position your head so that your ear lobes are in line with shoulders and hips. 
  • Raise the shoulders slightly into a shrug and then lower back down to start position.

6. Milk Jug/ Kettle Bell Rotational Chop Low to High

10 reps each side

  • Start in a half kneeling position with one knee on the ground.
  • Holding a light weight or object in both hands, start with both arms straight near the leg that is down.
  • Lift the weight up above your head in a diagonal line, so that it finished above the knee that is in the air.
  • Lower back to the start.

7. Crab Walk + Leg Kick

10 reps each side

  • Start in a seated position on the floor. Reach both hands behind your shoulders, with arms straight and knees bent. Raise your hips slightly off the ground in a crab walk position.
  • From here, kick your right foot in the air, keeping your core tight.
  • Return the foot on the ground, and then repeat on the opposite side.

Looking for more? Here are some quick add ons to wrap up the workout. Great work!

Cool Down

  • Cool Down Stretch and Mobility Routine
  • 5 minute yoga and meditation
  • 15-30 Minute walk

Congrats on finishing day 1!! We are proud of you for prioritizing your fitness for the betterment of your health throughout this pregnancy journey.