Start a timer for 30 seconds. Try to keep moving for the entire 30 seconds at a comfortable pace.
If you have open space, take off on a jog in the same direction for 15 seconds. At the fifteen-second mark, turn around and walk back to the start. Repeat this 2 times for a total of 30 seconds of jogging
Jog laps around your kitchen table or your front yard, or even continuously in place! Feel free to get creative
You may slow down or stop to walk during this interval, however, try to build up to being able to complete the entire thirty seconds without stopping.
This is the second day of the first week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
The exercises have changed, however the format will remain the same. Start with a short warm up in the video featured below. Each day will feature 7-8 exercises, each performed for 10 reps or for 30 seconds. Complete the list as many times as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
Start in a tall plank position, with the back flat and hands underneath shoulders. Keeping the elbows locked, try to pinch your shoulder blades together, as if you are trying to “puff out” your chest. Then, pull your shoulders back towards the ground. Think about trying to rip the back of your shirt as you round your upper back.
Sit on the edge of a chair, hands gripping the seat’s front edge. Slide your hips forward off the chair, knees bent at 90 degrees. Lower your body by bending your elbows, keeping the elbow tight to your sides.
Push down to straighten the elbows and return to the starting position.
Start with one foot slightly in front of the other with the back heel lifted but toes on the ground.
As you hinge forward at the hips, lift the back leg up keeping it straight behind you….You should feel this in the back of your leg that is forward (working leg).
This is the start of the twenty-seventh week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Todays workout includes movements that should be familiar from previous workouts. Each exercise description has been linked for extra info and tips on completing the movement correctly. The time for the workout will remain the same, however try to challenge your self my increasing reps. Make modifications as necessary as your are now further along in your pregnancy!
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
Use a chair, couch, bench, box or even a wall to elevate the hands. Kneeling on the ground facing the box (or other surface), place the hands about shoulder width apart.
Bend the elbows until the chest lowers to the edge of the box, controlling the tempo throughout the movement.
Elbows should stay tight to the sides of the body
to increase difficulty: change from a kneeling start position to a tall-plank start position, with the elbows and knees straight.
raising the elevation of the hands will decrease the difficulty of the movement
Focus on the form! Ensure you are maximizing the effectivness of the exercise by keeping the core tight, neutral spine, and elbows in tight!
Begin on all fours, with knees bent and back flat. Arms should be straight, with hands directly under the shoulders.
Keep the core tight, and press though the toes to lift your knees off the ground. This should feel slightly easier than a traditional plank, with some of the pressure being directed through the quads.
Isometrically hold this position. This is targeting your core and quad muscle groups!
Focus on the Form! Keep the back flat with the knees as close the the ground as possible.
Pushup through your toes to raise your heels off the ground.
Use a wall for balance if needed, or try standing on a stair step with the heels hanging off the edge. The increased range of motion will increase difficulty!
Focus on the form! Isolate the top of the movement, holding for at least 1 second to ensure your are reaching the maximum range of motion!
This is the start of the twenty-sixth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Todays workout includes the same movements from Day one of last week. Each exercise description has been linked for extra info and tips on completing the movement correctly. The time this week will stay the same. Try to improve from last week by making small form adjustments, or even completing a few extra reps!
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
Use a chair, couch, bench, box or even a wall to elevate the hands. Kneeling on the ground facing the box (or other surface), place the hands about shoulder width apart.
Bend the elbows until the chest lowers to the edge of the box, controlling the tempo throughout the movement.
Elbows should stay tight to the sides of the body
to increase difficulty: change from a kneeling start position to a tall-plank start position, with the elbows and knees straight.
raising the elevation of the hands will decrease the difficulty of the movement
Focus on the form! Ensure you are maximizing the effectivness of the exercise by keeping the core tight, neutral spine, and elbows in tight!
Begin on all fours, with knees bent and back flat. Arms should be straight, with hands directly under the shoulders.
Keep the core tight, and press though the toes to lift your knees off the ground. This should feel slightly easier than a traditional plank, with some of the pressure being directed through the quads.
Isometrically hold this position. This is targeting your core and quad muscle groups!
Focus on the Form! Keep the back flat with the knees as close the the ground as possible.
Pushup through your toes to raise your heels off the ground.
Use a wall for balance if needed, or try standing on a stair step with the heels hanging off the edge. The increased range of motion will increase difficulty!
Focus on the form! Isolate the top of the movement, holding for at least 1 second to ensure your are reaching the maximum range of motion!
This is the start of the twenty-fifth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Todays workout includes movements that should be familiar from previous workouts. Each exercise description has been linked for extra info and tips on completing the movement correctly. The time for the workout will remain the same, however try to challenge yourself by increasing reps. Make modifications as necessary as your are now further along in your pregnancy!
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
Use a chair, couch, bench, box or even a wall to elevate the hands. Kneeling on the ground facing the box (or other surface), place the hands about shoulder width apart.
Bend the elbows until the chest lowers to the edge of the box, controlling the tempo throughout the movement.
Elbows should stay tight to the sides of the body
to increase difficulty: change from a kneeling start position to a tall-plank start position, with the elbows and knees straight.
raising the elevation of the hands will decrease the difficulty of the movement
Focus on the form! Ensure you are maximizing the effectivness of the exercise by keeping the core tight, neutral spine, and elbows in tight!
Begin on all fours, with knees bent and back flat. Arms should be straight, with hands directly under the shoulders.
Keep the core tight, and press though the toes to lift your knees off the ground. This should feel slightly easier than a traditional plank, with some of the pressure being directed through the quads.
Isometrically hold this position. This is targeting your core and quad muscle groups!
Focus on the Form! Keep the back flat with the knees as close the the ground as possible.
Pushup through your toes to raise your heels off the ground.
Use a wall for balance if needed, or try standing on a stair step with the heels hanging off the edge. The increased range of motion will increase difficulty!
Focus on the form! Isolate the top of the movement, holding for at least 1 second to ensure your are reaching the maximum range of motion!
This is the start of the fifteenth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Todays workout includes the same movements from Day one of last week. Each exercise description has been linked for extra info and tips on completing the movement correctly. The time this week will stay the same. Try to improve from last week by making small form adjustments, or even completing a few extra reps!
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
Use a chair, couch, bench, box or even a wall to elevate the hands. Kneeling on the ground facing the box (or other surface), place the hands about shoulder width apart.
Bend the elbows until the chest lowers to the edge of the box, controlling the tempo throughout the movement.
Elbows should stay tight to the sides of the body
to increase difficulty: change from a kneeling start position to a tall-plank start position, with the elbows and knees straight.
raising the elevation of the hands will decrease the difficulty of the movement
Focus on the form! Ensure you are maximizing the effectivness of the exercise by keeping the core tight, neutral spine, and elbows in tight!
Begin on all fours, with knees bent and back flat. Arms should be straight, with hands directly under the shoulders.
Keep the core tight, and press though the toes to lift your knees off the ground. This should feel slightly easier than a traditional plank, with some of the pressure being directed through the quads.
Isometrically hold this position. This is targeting your core and quad muscle groups!
Focus on the Form! Keep the back flat with the knees as close the the ground as possible.
Pushup through your toes to raise your heels off the ground.
Use a wall for balance if needed, or try standing on a stair step with the heels hanging off the edge. The increased range of motion will increase difficulty!
Focus on the form! Isolate the top of the movement, holding for at least 1 second to ensure your are reaching the maximum range of motion!
This is the start of the fourteenth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Todays workout includes the same movements from Day one of last week. Each exercise description has been linked for extra info and tips on completing the movement correctly. The time this week will stay the same. Try to improve from last week by making small form adjustments, or even completing a few extra reps!
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
Use a chair, couch, bench, box or even a wall to elevate the hands. Kneeling on the ground facing the box (or other surface), place the hands about shoulder width apart.
Bend the elbows until the chest lowers to the edge of the box, controlling the tempo throughout the movement.
Elbows should stay tight to the sides of the body
to increase difficulty: change from a kneeling start position to a tall-plank start position, with the elbows and knees straight.
raising the elevation of the hands will decrease the difficulty of the movement
Focus on the form! Ensure you are maximizing the effectivness of the exercise by keeping the core tight, neutral spine, and elbows in tight!
Begin on all fours, with knees bent and back flat. Arms should be straight, with hands directly under the shoulders.
Keep the core tight, and press though the toes to lift your knees off the ground. This should feel slightly easier than a traditional plank, with some of the pressure being directed through the quads.
Isometrically hold this position. This is targeting your core and quad muscle groups!
Focus on the Form! Keep the back flat with the knees as close the the ground as possible.
Pushup through your toes to raise your heels off the ground.
Use a wall for balance if needed, or try standing on a stair step with the heels hanging off the edge. The increased range of motion will increase difficulty!
Focus on the form! Isolate the top of the movement, holding for at least 1 second to ensure your are reaching the maximum range of motion!
This is the start of the thirteenth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Todays workout includes the same movements from Day one of the very. Each exercise description has been linked for extra info and tips on completing the movement correctly. The time this week will stay the same. Try to improve from last week by making small form adjustments, or even completing a few extra reps!
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
Use a chair, couch, bench, box or even a wall to elevate the hands. Kneeling on the ground facing the box (or other surface), place the hands about shoulder width apart.
Bend the elbows until the chest lowers to the edge of the box, controlling the tempo throughout the movement.
Elbows should stay tight to the sides of the body
to increase difficulty: change from a kneeling start position to a tall-plank start position, with the elbows and knees straight.
raising the elevation of the hands will decrease the difficulty of the movement
Focus on the form! Ensure you are maximizing the effectivness of the exercise by keeping the core tight, neutral spine, and elbows in tight!
Begin on all fours, with knees bent and back flat. Arms should be straight, with hands directly under the shoulders.
Keep the core tight, and press though the toes to lift your knees off the ground. This should feel slightly easier than a traditional plank, with some of the pressure being directed through the quads.
Isometrically hold this position. This is targeting your core and quad muscle groups!
Focus on the Form! Keep the back flat with the knees as close the the ground as possible.
Pushup through your toes to raise your heels off the ground.
Use a wall for balance if needed, or try standing on a stair step with the heels hanging off the edge. The increased range of motion will increase difficulty!
Focus on the form! Isolate the top of the movement, holding for at least 1 second to ensure your are reaching the maximum range of motion!
This is the start of the third week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Todays workout includes the same movements from Day one of last week. Each exercise description has been linked for extra info and tips on completing the movement correctly. The time this week will stay the same. Try to improve from last week by making small form adjustments, or even completing a few extra reps!
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
Use a chair, couch, bench, box or even a wall to elevate the hands. Kneeling on the ground facing the box (or other surface), place the hands about shoulder width apart.
Bend the elbows until the chest lowers to the edge of the box, controlling the tempo throughout the movement.
Elbows should stay tight to the sides of the body
to increase difficulty: change from a kneeling start position to a tall-plank start position, with the elbows and knees straight.
raising the elevation of the hands will decrease the difficulty of the movement
Focus on the form! Ensure you are maximizing the effectivness of the exercise by keeping the core tight, neutral spine, and elbows in tight!
Begin on all fours, with knees bent and back flat. Arms should be straight, with hands directly under the shoulders.
Keep the core tight, and press though the toes to lift your knees off the ground. This should feel slightly easier than a traditional plank, with some of the pressure being directed through the quads.
Isometrically hold this position. This is targeting your core and quad muscle groups!
Focus on the Form! Keep the back flat with the knees as close the the ground as possible.
Pushup through your toes to raise your heels off the ground.
Use a wall for balance if needed, or try standing on a stair step with the heels hanging off the edge. The increased range of motion will increase difficulty!
Focus on the form! Isolate the top of the movement, holding for at least 1 second to ensure your are reaching the maximum range of motion!
This is the start of the second week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
Todays workout includes the same movements from Day one of last week. Each exercise description has been linked for extra info and tips on completing the movement correctly. The time this week will stay the same. Try to improve from last week by making small form adjustments, or even completing a few extra reps!
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
Use a chair, couch, bench, box or even a wall to elevate the hands. Kneeling on the ground facing the box (or other surface), place the hands about shoulder width apart.
Bend the elbows until the chest lowers to the edge of the box, controlling the tempo throughout the movement.
Elbows should stay tight to the sides of the body
to increase difficulty: change from a kneeling start position to a tall-plank start position, with the elbows and knees straight.
raising the elevation of the hands will decrease the difficulty of the movement
Focus on the form! Ensure you are maximizing the effectivness of the exercise by keeping the core tight, neutral spine, and elbows in tight!
Begin on all fours, with knees bent and back flat. Arms should be straight, with hands directly under the shoulders.
Keep the core tight, and press though the toes to lift your knees off the ground. This should feel slightly easier than a traditional plank, with some of the pressure being directed through the quads.
Isometrically hold this position. This is targeting your core and quad muscle groups!
Focus on the Form! Keep the back flat with the knees as close the the ground as possible.
Pushup through your toes to raise your heels off the ground.
Use a wall for balance if needed, or try standing on a stair step with the heels hanging off the edge. The increased range of motion will increase difficulty!
Focus on the form! Isolate the top of the movement, holding for at least 1 second to ensure your are reaching the maximum range of motion!