Entrenamientos programados para principiantes
Mientras te preparas para el gran acontecimiento de la vida (el parto), BumptUp ha diseñado entrenamientos para ayudarte a mantenerte en forma durante el embarazo. Estos entrenamientos incluyen ejercicios de fuerza y ejercicios para mejorar tu salud cardiaca.
Comenzaremos con un breve calentamiento. Consiste en hacer algunos estiramientos dinámicos para activar y aflojar los músculos en los que nos centraremos. Al igual que precalentar un horno, el calentamiento antes del ejercicio ayuda a elevar la temperatura corporal, aumentar el flujo sanguíneo y preparar el cuerpo para rendir al máximo.
El entrenamiento de hoy consta de 8 ejercicios.
Para cada ejercicio de la lista, completa 10 repeticiones antes de pasar al siguiente. Si el ejercicio es un tipo de sujeción, como una plancha, aguanta 20-30 segundos. Si el ejercicio implica sólo una extremidad a la vez, como una estocada, completa 10 a cada lado. Intenta limitar el tiempo de descanso entre ejercicios, con una pausa más larga al final de cada ronda si es necesario.
Completa tantas rondas como puedas de estos 8 ejercicios en el tiempo límite de 25 minutos.
Para cada ejercicio, hemos proporcionado una breve explicación junto con un vídeo de demostración para ayudarte a entender cómo hacerlo correctamente. Si haces clic en el enlace de cada ejercicio, encontrarás una descripción más detallada que esperamos responda a cualquier pregunta que puedas tener. Entendemos que cuando te entrenas por tu cuenta, habrá cosas que suenen confusas, y esperamos que este enlace te aporte claridad.
El entrenamiento de la Semana 4, Día 1, está estructurado como sigue:
- 5 minutos de calentamiento
- AMRAP de 25 minutos (tantas rondas como sea posible)
- 8 ejercicios, 10 repeticiones cada uno (cada lado cuando proceda, o 20-30 segundos de mantenimiento)
- Breve enfriamiento a tu elección (cardio ligero, caminar o yoga)
¡Aquí tienes un enlace a un calentamiento dinámico de estiramientos de 5 minutos! El calentamiento es fundamental para aprovechar al máximo tu entrenamiento. Prepara tu cuerpo para moverse al máximo con una serie de ejercicios de activación antes de pasar a las series de trabajo.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
1 | Wall Sit | 20-30 seconds |
2 | Glute Bridge | 10 reps |
3 | Scissor Hops | 10 each |
4 | Beginner Pushup | 5-10 reps |
5 | Primal Pushup Hold | 20-30 seconds |
6 | Calf Raises | 10 reps |
7 | Supine Toe Touches | 10 reps |
8 | Hip Flexor Standing March | 10 each side |
20-30 seconds
- Like sitting in a chair that isn’t there! Find a sturdy, flat wall to serve as the back of your (non-existant) chair.
- Bend the knees to lower your hips to the ground, until knees are bent at approx. 90 degrees, thighs parallel to the floor.
- Keep the chest up tall, and avoid putting your hands on you legs for support.
Muscle Groups: quads, hamstrings, hip stabilizers
- to increase difficulty: raise the heels off the ground and hold the same squat position, pressing into the ground with only the ball of the foot.
10 reps
- Start lying flat on your back, with knees bent and feet planted in the floor near your hips. Push through your heels, raising your hips in the air.
- Think about squeezing your glutes and hamstrings at the top, holding for 1-2 seconds
- to increase difficulty: elevate your feet on a chair or couch, keep the core tight as your raise your hips higher into the air
Muscle Groups: glutes, hamstrings, hip stabilizers
10 reps each
- Start in a split stance, with one foot slightly in front of the other.
- With each small jump, switch your feet.
- Knees should stay almost straight, and hops should be about as small as if you were jump roping.
5-10 reps
- Use a chair, couch, bench, box or even a wall to elevate the hands. Kneeling on the ground facing the box (or other surface), place the hands about shoulder width apart.
- Bend the elbows until the chest lowers to the edge of the box, controlling the tempo throughout the movement.
- Elbows should stay tight to the sides of the body
to increase difficulty: change from a kneeling start position to a tall-plank start position, with the elbows and knees straight.
- raising the elevation of the hands will decrease the difficulty of the movement
- Focus on the form! Ensure you are maximizing the effectivness of the exercise by keeping the core tight, neutral spine, and elbows in tight!
20-30 seconds
- Begin on all fours, with knees bent and back flat. Arms should be straight, with hands directly under the shoulders.
- Keep the core tight, and press though the toes to lift your knees off the ground. This should feel slightly easier than a traditional plank, with some of the pressure being directed through the quads.
- Isometrically hold this position. This is targeting your core and quad muscle groups!
Focus on the Form! Keep the back flat with the knees as close the the ground as possible.
6. Calf Raises
10 reps
- Pushup through your toes to raise your heels off the ground.
- Use a wall for balance if needed, or try standing on a stair step with the heels hanging off the edge. The increased range of motion will increase difficulty!
Focus on the form! Isolate the top of the movement, holding for at least 1 second to ensure your are reaching the maximum range of motion!
10 reps
- Lie flat on your back with feet in the air and legs straight.
- Use the core muscles to reach up and touch your toes, lifting the shoulders and upper back off the ground.
Focus on the form! Keep the legs straight and perpendicular to the floor.
10 reps each side
- Find a wall or couch to support your hands, while your feet are positioned about 3 feet out from the wall.
- Lift one knee in the air, bent at 90 degrees. Lower it back to the ground, and then repeat on the opposite side as if you are marching.
- Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds for each rep.
Focus on the form! Avoid rotating the shoulders or hips to compensate. The exercise will help build important stabilizing muscles.
Looking for more? Here are some quick add ons to wrap up the workout. Great work!
Cool Down
- Cool Down Stretch and Mobility Routine
- 5 minute yoga and meditation
- 15-30 Minute walk
Congrats on finishing day 1!! We are proud of you for prioritizing your fitness for the betterment of your health throughout this pregnancy journey.