bloque 3 día 2 Programed Workouts

Semana 10, Día 2

Pon en marcha el temporizador cuando empieces, y no olvides registrar tu ejercicio una vez hayas terminado.

Esta es la séptima semana de entrenamientos programados con los entrenamientos para embarazadas principiantes de BumptUp.

Esta semana habrá una lista completamente nueva de ejercicios para cada día. Cada ejercicio está vinculado a una explicación más detallada del movimiento. También se han incluido las modificaciones, así como la forma de hacer el ejercicio más difícil o más fácil.

El formato seguirá siendo el mismo. Cada día habrá 7-8 ejercicios, cada uno realizado durante 10 repeticiones o durante 30 segundos. Completa la lista tantas veces como puedas dentro del límite de tiempo de 25 minutos.

Pon en marcha el temporizador cuando empieces, y no olvides registrar tu ejercicio una vez hayas terminado.

¡¡¡Recuerda realizar un calentamiento completo y adecuado para activar todos los grupos musculares a los que nos dirigimos, así como para elevar tu ritmo cardiaco de modo que te sientas preparado para moverte!!!

Calentamiento estándar

¡Aquí tienes un enlace a un calentamiento dinámico de estiramientos de 5 minutos! El calentamiento es fundamental para aprovechar al máximo tu entrenamiento. Prepara tu cuerpo para moverse al máximo con una serie de ejercicios de activación antes de pasar a las series de trabajo.

Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

1Four Way Lungex2 sets each side
2Single Arm Elevated Pushup From Knee5-10 each side
3Back Elevated Hip Thrust10 reps
4Supine Ball Squeeze10 reps
5Standing Push Press10 reps
6Sumo Squat + Hold10 reps + !0 second Hold
7Ball and Baby Balance BuilderBall and Baby Balance Builder10 each side
8Jog Walk Intervals10 reps
  1. Four Way Lunge

Complete 2 sets on each side

All with the right leg being the one moving (left leg stationary)…

  • Lunge to the front
  • Lunge to the side
  • Lunge to the back
  • Lunge to the other side
  • Then switch to the other side and repeat, twice on each side

2. Single Arm Elevated Pushup From Knee

5-10 reps each side

  • Start in a kneeling pushup position, and place one hand on an elevated surface such as a stair step, stack of books, or basketball.
  • Control the motion of bending your elbows to lower your upper body to the level of the elevated surface. Keep the core tight to remain balance.
  • Complete 5 reps on one side, and then switch to complete on the opposite side. Total of 10 reps.

3. Back Elevated Hip Thrust

10 reps

  • Sit on the floor with your upper back against a couch or chair and knees bent.
  • Push through the floor to raise your hips off the ground, holding for 2-3 seconds at the top, and then lower back to the ground.

4. Supine Ball Squeeze

10 reps

  • On back or with a wedge under upper body, place arms down at sides and put small ball between knees.
  • Bring knees up until over hips and slowly squeeze the ball for count of 5.

5. Standing Push Press

10 reps

  • Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Hold an object or weight at your chest, and press with both hands to raise the weight above your head.
  • Lower back to your chest to return to the starting position.

6. Sumo Squat + Hold

10 reps + 10 seconds hold

To perform a sumo squat.

  • Stand with feet mush wider that shoulder width. (This is what makes it a «sumo» stance!)
  • Bend your knees and sit your hips back to squat down, and then stand back up to starting position. Squeeze your glutes at the top.
  • Complete 10 reps
  • On the LAST rep, hold for 10 seconds at the bottom position, and then stand all the way back up.

7. Ball and Baby Balance Builders

5-10 reps each side

  • Place yoga ball right at the center of your hips and belly, with your feet on the floor behind you.
  • Hold a position to a plank, with hands and feet on the ground at the same time. Have the ball support your hips and abdomen.
  • Reach one arm up in the air, while reaching the opposite leg in the air. For example, you would only have your left arm and right leg on the ground, with the other limbs in the air. Hold for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the ground. Repeat with the opposite side.

8. Jog Walk Intervals

30 seconds

Try to keep moving for the entire 30 seconds at a comfortable pace.

  • If you have open space, take off on a jog in the same direction for 15 seconds. At the fifteen second mark, turn around and walk back to the start.
  • Repeat this 2 times, for a total of 30 seconds of jogging

Looking for more? Here are some quick add ons to wrap up the workout. Great work!

Cool Down

  • Cool Down Stretch and Mobility Routine
  • 5 minute yoga and meditation
  • 15-30 Minute walk

Congrats on finishing day 1!! We are proud of you for prioritizing your fitness for the betterment of your health throughout this pregnancy journey.


Semana 10, Día 2


3 min: Respiración

3 rondas:
5 por lado shinbox

8 por lado golpe de hombro


3 rondas:
8 por lado woodchop alto a bajo

8 por lado pallof press con step

Prensa de suelo

3 rondas, 9 repeticiones
Descansa 60-90 segundos entre rondas


3 rondas:
8 por lado remo doblado

8 estocadas inversas por lado

10 kettlebell deadlift


2 rondas:
8 ángel de pared

10 tracciones de tríceps

30 segundos por rotación torácica lateral

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