Pon en marcha el temporizador cuando empieces, y no olvides registrar tu ejercicio una vez hayas terminado.
Este es el segundo día de la segunda semana de entrenamientos programados en los Entrenamientos para Embarazadas Principiantes BumptUp.
Pon en marcha el temporizador cuando empieces, y no olvides registrar tu ejercicio una vez hayas terminado.
¡¡¡Recuerda realizar un calentamiento completo y adecuado para activar todos los grupos musculares a los que nos dirigimos, así como para elevar tu ritmo cardiaco de modo que te sientas preparado para moverte!!!
Calentamiento estándar
¡Aquí tienes un enlace a un calentamiento dinámico de estiramientos de 5 minutos! El calentamiento es fundamental para aprovechar al máximo tu entrenamiento. Prepara tu cuerpo para moverse al máximo con una serie de ejercicios de activación antes de pasar a las series de trabajo.
Programa un temporizador durante 25 minutos.
Trabaja las repeticiones necesarias para cada ejercicio antes de pasar al siguiente. Completa tantas rondas como puedas dentro del límite de tiempo de 25 minutos.
1 | Sentadilla partida | 10 cada lado |
2 | Plancha alta Flexión de brazos | 10 repeticiones |
3 | Inmersión de tríceps | 10 repeticiones |
4 | RDL a una pierna con apoyo | 5-10 repeticiones cada lado |
5 | Caminatas laterales de monstruos | 10 pasos a cada lado |
6 | Estiramiento sentado de la parte superior de la espalda | 10 repeticiones |
7 | Taloneras Pingüino | 10 cada lado |
8 | Intervalos Caminar/Correr | 30 segundos |
10 reps each side
- Stand with one foot forward and the other foot back.
- Lower your body by bending both knees.
- Keep your front foot flat on the ground and your back heel lifted, keeping your toes in the ground.
- Lower until your front thigh is parallel to the ground, and back knee is almost touching the ground.
- Push through your front heel to return to the starting position.
- Complete required reps without moving your feet, and then switch legs to complete the reps on the opposite side.
10 reps
Start in a tall plank position, with the back flat and hands underneath shoulders. Keeping the elbows locked, try to pinch your shoulder blades together, as if you are trying to “puff out” your chest. Then, pull your shoulders back towards the ground. Think about trying to rip the back of your shirt as you round your upper back.
10 reps
Sit on the edge of a chair, hands gripping the seat’s front edge. Slide your hips forward off the chair, knees bent at 90 degrees. Lower your body by bending your elbows, keeping the elbow tight to your sides.
Push down to straighten the elbows and return to the starting position.
5-10 reps each side
Start with one foot slightly in front of the other with the back heel lifted but toes on the ground.
As you hinge forward at the hips, lift the back leg up keeping it straight behind you….You should feel this in the back of your leg that is forward (working leg).
10 reps each
Stand shoulder width apart and bend knees until in a crouch position holding your arms at your sides
Begin to step to one side with the leading leg and have the other follow a step behind for the required reps.
Once completed step towards the other side so the following leg is now the leading leg. Take 10 steps on each side
10 reps
- Sit on the floor with your knees to the side and feet resting on floor.
- Place palms on the back of your head and squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for five seconds.
*Place 1-2 pillows underneath the outsides of each of your knees if this position bothers your hips.
10 reps each side
Lie flat on your back, with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Sit up just slightly, so that only your shoulders/upper back are off the ground.
Keep you core tight to reach your right arm to your right heel, and repeat on the opposite side.
30 seconds
Try to keep moving for the entire 30 seconds at a comfortable pace.
- If you have open space, take off on a jog in the same direction for 15 seconds. At the fifteen second mark, turn around and walk back to the start.
- Repeat this 2 times, for a total of 30 seconds of jogging
Looking for more? Here are some quick add ons to wrap up the workout. Great work!
Cool Down
- Cool Down Stretch and Mobility Routine
- 5 minute yoga and meditation
- 15-30 Minute walk
Congrats on finishing day 1!! We are proud of you for prioritizing your fitness for the betterment of your health throughout this pregnancy journey.
Looking for more? Here are some quick add ons to wrap up the workout. Great work!
Cool Down
- Cool Down Stretch and Mobility Routine
- 5 minute yoga and meditation
- 15-30 Minute walk
Congrats on finishing day 1!! We are proud of you for prioritizing your fitness for the betterment of your health throughout this pregnancy journey.