block 2 day 1 Programed Workouts

Week 8, Day 1

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the first day of the fifth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!

Standard Warm Up

Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.

Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

1Glute Bridge March20-30 seconds
2Goblet Squat10 reps
3Jumping Jacks10 each
4Alternating Shoulder Press5-10 reps
5Modified Elbow Plank20-30 seconds
6Good Morning10 reps
7Quad Extension10 reps
890/90 Hip Rotations to Kneel10 each side
  1. Glute Bridge March

10 reps each side

Start on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor.

Press through your heels to raise your hips, performing a glute bridge. From here, lift one foot off the ground, bringing your knee towards your chest.

Lower the foot, and do the same on the opposite side, just like a march.

Squeeze your glutes to keep your hips in the air for the entirety of the reps.

2. Goblet Squat

10 reps

Stand with feet just wider than shoulder width, hands positioned at the chest. Bend your knees and sit your hips back, just like sitting in a chair.

Keep your chest tall. Hold at the bottom of the squat for 1-2 seconds, and then stand all the way back up.

Use a countertop of chair for support if needed. Add weight by holding an object in the center of your chest.

3. Jumping Jacks

10-20 reps

  • Stand straight up with your feet together and arms at your sides. Jump up, spreading your legs to the sides while simultaneously raising your arms out to the sies and overhead.
  • Jump again, this time bringing your feet back together and lowering your arms. Repeat for the required repitions in a fluid motion.

Modification: For a lower impact version, take out the jumping. Alternate Steping one foot out to the side, while bringing your arms up above your head. When you lower your arms back down, bring your feet back together. Repeat on both sides

4. Alternating Shoulder Press

10 reps each side

  • Start by sitting with your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged.
  • Hold a small weight in each hand at shoulder level, with your palms facing forward and your elbows bent. Push one arm up, while keeping your palms facing forward.
    • Modification: of keeping your palm facing forward is uncomfortable, rotate your palms so that they are facing in towards each other while still holding the weight.
  • Slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position by bending your elbow and bringing the weights back to shoulder level.
  • Alternate completing reps on your right and left sides.

5. Modified Elbow Plank

30 seconds

Lie facedown with your forearms on the floor and your hands clasped.
Extend your legs behind you and rise up onto your toes.
Keeping your back straight, tighten your core and hold the position

Modification: To make the position easier to hold, bend your knees so that they are touching the floor. Focus on keeping your core engaged.

Modification: if you are further along in your pregnancy, place your elbows on a couch or elevated surface to make room for your belly.

6. Good Morning

10 reps

This exercise is very similar to an RDL (Romanian Deadlift), as they both involve a great stretch of the hamstrings.

  • Position your hands behind your head, and push your hips stright back. Keep your knees almost straight, and back flat.
  • Go down until you feel a stretch your hamstrings, and then squeeze your glutes to extend your hips on the way back up.

7. Quad Extension

10 reps each side

  • Sit in a chair or on the edge of a couch with your feet on the floor or dangling off the edge.
  • Straighten one leg, locking out your knee at the top. Think about squeezing all the muscles on the front of your thigh.
  • Control the movement to lower your foot back to the floor, then repeat on the opposite side.

8. 90/90 Hip Rotations to Kneel

10 reps total (5 each side)

  • Sit on the ground in a 90/90 position, with one knee bent in front of your body, and the opposite knee bend behind your body
  • Lift your hips off the ground into a kneeling position, squeezing your glutes at the top, and then sit back down into the 90/90 starting position
  • Keep your feet on the ground and bring your knees up. Rotate your body so the opposite leg is not in front, creating the 90/90 position on the opposite side
  • Again, lift your hips into the air to reach a kneeling position, squeezing your glutes at the top before returning back to the ground in a 90/90.
block 4 day 3 Programed Workouts

Week 13, Day 3

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the tenth week of programmed workouts with the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy workouts.

This week will feature an entirely new list of exercises for each day. Each exercise has been linked to a more detailed explanation of the movement. Modifications, as well as how to make the exercise harder or easier, have also been listed here.

The format will remain the same. Start with a short warm up in the video featured below. Each day will feature 7-8 exercises, each performed for 10 reps or for 30 seconds. Complete the list as many times as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!

Standard Warm Up

Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.

Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

1Supported Lateral lunge10 each side
2Glute Bridge Walk Out10 reps
3Side Lying Abductor Lift10 each side
4Bird Dogs arms Only10 reps each side
5Plie Squat10 reps
6Cross Country Skier10 reps each side
7Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise10 reps
8ball and baby knee rolls5-10 each side
  1. Supported Lateral lunge

5-10 reps each side

  • Start facing a wall or countertop with hands resting on the surface for balance support.
  • Take a big step out to one side. Bend the knee of the stepping foot as you sit your hips back as if trying to sit in a chair. Keep the opposite leg straight.
  • Return to the starting position then repeat going to the other side.

2. Glute Bridge Walk Out

10 reps

  • From a regular glute bridge starting position, on your back, push your hips up in the air.
  • Holding this position, walk your feet out further from your body in small steps, taking 3-4 total steps. Then, walk your feet back under your hips.
  • Keep your hips off the ground throughout the entire exercise. Repeat for 10 reps.

3. Side Lying Abductor Lift

10 reps each side

  • Lay on side with lower arm supporting head, upper arm in front for balance and legs straight in line with body. Slightly bend upper leg knee and squeeze glutes (bottom) as you bring leg back behind body and hold for several seconds.
  • Slowly raise the upper leg above hip level and return to start position.
  • Keep your hips stacked on top of each other as you do this.
  • Repeat on opposite side.

Modification: If you are having trouble balancing in this position, bend your bottom hip and knee up a little. If you find yourself rolling backwards, do this next to wall with the wall behind you to help keep your from rolling backwards.

4. Bird Dogs arms Only

10 reps each side

  • Assume a position on all fours so that your knees are directly under your hips and hands are directly under your shoulders.
  • Make sure your spine is in a neutral position. You do not want to have your back sagging or arching.
  • Lift right arm until it parallel to the floor without any tilting at the shoulders- both shoulders should stay parallel to the floor.
  • Gently lower arm back to your starting position and repeat with the other arm.

5. Plie Squat

10 reps

  • Start with your feet about shoulder width apart. This should be sightly closer than your normal squat position.
  • Bend your knees to squat down about half way. Your knees should move out wide, away from the body.
  • As you reach the partial squat position, hold the ball in front of your belly. 
  • Plie by raising your body up and raising ball overhead and until your legs are straight.

6. Cross Country Skier

10 reps each side

  • Start in a standing position with your arms at your side.
  • Lunge forward on your right leg with your left leg extending behind you and bring your left arm in front of you as you extend your right arm back.
  • Press back with your right leg and switch sides with your left leg forward in a lunge with right leg behind and left arm in front.
  • Try to maintain a fluid “sliding” motion as you switch legs from front to back.
  • Avoid dipping too deep—just slightly bend your knees, and if you have walking poles you can use them to help with balance and add more arm work.

7. Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise

10 reps

  • Raise arms straight out in front, until shoulder height, and then lower back to your sides.
  • Raise straight out to the sides of your body, making a T shape, untill your arms are even with your shoulders, and then lower to the sides of your body.
  • Repeat these movements in an alternating pattern, 10 times each.

8. ball and baby knee rolls

5-10 reps each side

  • Lie flat on your back, and place your feet on top of the yoga ball. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle, and the entire back of your thigh and leg should be in contact with the ball.
  • *Your baby can participate too! Have your child resting in the crease of your hip, straddling your belly.
    Your hands can be up to support your child in place, or you can have them simply at your sides
  • With your feet on the ball, roll your knees to one side, untill your thigh touches the grass. Use your core and hip flexor muscles to lift your legs back up to the starting position
  • Repeat on the opposite side, completing 5-10 reps on each side in an alternating pattern.

block 4 day 2 Programed Workouts

Week 13, Day 2

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the tenth week of programmed workouts with the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy workouts.

This week will feature an entirely new list of exercises for each day. Each exercise has been linked to a more detailed explanation of the movement. Modifications, as well as how to make the exercise harder or easier, have also been listed here.

The format will remain the same. Start with a short warm up in the video featured below. Each day will feature 7-8 exercises, each performed for 10 reps or for 30 seconds. Complete the list as many times as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!

Standard Warm Up

Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.

Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

1Plank Shoulder Tap + Pushup10 each side
2Isometric Side Adductor Bridge10 reps
3Staggered Stance Good Morning10 each side
4Bent Over Row10-15 yards and back
5Step Up with Overhead Press10 reps
6Plank Knee Raise10 reps + !0 second Hold
7Half Kneeling Thoracic (Mid-Back) Rotation10 each side
8Jog Walk Intervals5-10 each side
  1. Plank Shoulder Tap + Pushup

5-10 reps

  • Start on your hands and knees. Walk your hands forward so that you are in a kneeling pushup position. Your knees should be on the ground, and your feet can come in the air.
  • Reach one arm across to touch the opposite shoulder, then place it back on the ground. Repeat of the opposite side, making sure to keep your body from rotating to far towards one side or the other
  • After doing a shoulder tap on each side, complete one pushup (from the same kneeling position). Bend your elbows and keep your back flat throughout the motion.

2. Isometric Side Adductor Bridge

10 reps each side

  • Lie on your side with your knees bent. Use your elbow to support your upper body, while your hip and lower body remain on the ground.
  • Tighten your core, and push off the outside of your bottom leg to lift your hips off the ground. Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top, and then lower back to the ground.
  • Complete 10 reps on one side before switching sides.

3. Staggered Stance Good Morning

5-10 reps each side

  • Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other, knees almost straight (but not locked out!)
  • Cross your arms in front of your chest
  • Bend at your hips, keeping your back flat and knees (almost) straight. You should feel a stretch in the hamstrings (back of the thigh) of the front leg.
  • Squeeze your glutes to lift your chest back up to the starting position. Complete 5-10 reps on one side before switching sides.

4. Bent Over Row

10 reps each side

  • Stand with one foot in front of the other, with a slight bend in the front knee and the back leg straight.
  • Hold a weight (milk jug, kettle bell) in the hand on the opposite side of the leg that is in front. (Ex: left leg in front, right arm holding kettle bell)
  • Have a slight lean forward, so that your chest is towards the front leg. Bend your elbow to pull the weight up to your hip. You should feel this exercise in the upper arm and shoulder.
  • Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top, and then return to the start by fully straightening the arm.
  • Complete 10 reps on one side before switching arms. Make sure to switch your feet as well!

5. Step Up with Overhead Press

10 reps total (5 each side)

  • Find a small box or stair step to be used for a step up
  • Hold a small weight in each hand.
  • Place your right foot on the box, while at the same time, curling the weights up to shoulder level.
  • Push through your right foot to bring your left foot onto the box. When you have stepped all the way onto the box, push the weights all the way above your head.
  • Step back down from the box, leading with your left leg. At the same time, lower the weights back to shoulder level.
  • Step all the way off of the box, lowering the weights straight to your sides.
  • Alternate between leading with your right and left legs. Complete 5 reps on each side, for a total of 10 reps

6. Plank Knee Raise

10 seconds, continuous

  • Start in a plank position with your hands below your shoulders, body straight and legs extending behind you.
  • Bring one knee to your chest and then switch to the opposite knee.
  • Maintain a quick pace and if your hands are uncomfortable in a flat palm position, make a fist instead so you avoid extending your wrist or grasp hands weights and balance on them.
  • Modification: To make this easier, place your hands on a sturdy couch, chair, counter, or wall. The higher your hands, the easier the exercise.

7. Half Kneeling Thoracic (Mid-Back) Rotation

  • Start in a half kneeling position with one knee on the ground and other foot on the ground (see video) and arms straight out in front of you.
  • Take a breath in through your nose then as you slowly and gently exhale, reach one arm behind you while twisting in your mid-back as far as you can (a) without pain and (b) without your pelvis moving. Imagine headlights on your hips bones…they should stay shining forwards the entire time.
  • Return to your starting position and go the other direction.
  • Good for: mid-back flexibility, balance, trunk control

8. Jog Walk Intervals

30 seconds

Start a timer for 30 seconds. Try to keep moving for the entire 30 seconds at a comfortable pace.

block 4 day 1 Programed Workouts

Week 13, Day 1

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the tenth week of programmed workouts with the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy workouts.

This week will feature an entirely new list of exercises for each day. Each exercise has been linked to a more detailed explanation of the movement. Modifications, as well as how to make the exercise harder or easier, have also been listed here.

The format will remain the same. Start with a short warm up in the video featured below. Each day will feature 7-8 exercises, each performed for 10 reps or for 30 seconds. Complete the list as many times as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!

Standard Warm Up

Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.

Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

11.5 Squat10 each side
2Standing Push Press10 reps
3High Knee Run in Place10 each side
4Foot Elevated Glute Bridge10-15 yards and back
5Plank with Front Reach10 reps
6Table Top Bird Dog10 reps + !0 second Hold
7Supine Single Leg Lift10 each side
8alternating hammer curl5-10 each side
  1. 1.5 Squat

10 reps

  • Squat down as far as possible, stand up halfway, and then squat back down again.
  • From here, now stand all the way up, completing “1.5” reps.

2. Standing Push Press

10 reps

  • stand with feet shoulder width apart, holding a small weight in each hand.
  • bring the weights up to shoulder level, elbows bent in front of your body
  • Push the weights straight up above your head, and then lower back down to your shoulders to reset

3. High Knee Run in Place

10-15 reps each side

  • Lift one knee up in the air, foot flexed up. The opposite leg should be straight on the ground
  • Switch your feet in a motion similar to running in place. Try to bring your knee all the way up to 90 degrees with each step
  • Remain in the same place throughout the exercise
  • complete 15 reps on each side, or about 15 seconds
  • ** Hands can be placed on hips, out in front, or swinging back and fourth in a running motion
  • Modification: instead of switching your feet in a running motion, drive one knee up at a time like a march.

4. Foot Elevated Glute Bridge

10 reps

  • Find a chair, bench, or couch surface that can be used to elevate your feet
  • Lie down flat on your back, facing the couch or chair. Your hips should be about 1-2 feet back from the edge of the couch. Bend your knees so that your thighs are straight up and down, and your feet are resting comfortably on the surface.
  • Push down through your feet to lift your hips in the air. Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top, and then lower all the way back to the ground.

5. Plank with Front Reach

10 reps each side

  • Start in a plank position with arms straight, feet behind your body.
  • Lift one arm up in the air, keeping your core tight and hips facing to the ground. Reach as high as you can in a controlled motion, and then lower back to the ground
  • Repeat on the opposite side, alternating with each rep
  • Modification: instead of holding a plank on your hands, hold a low plank on your elbows. Slide one arm forward, and the slide it back along the ground for extra support.

6. Table Top Bird Dog

10 reps each side

  • Start in a table top position, on your hands and knees with back flat.
  • Reach your right arm and left leg in the air at the same time. Your knee should be straight, think about pointing your toes to the ground. Make sure your arm reaches straight in front of you; every thing should be in a straight line at the top.
  • Bring your arm and leg back to the ground at the same time.
  • Complete all 10 reps before switching sides

7. Supine Single Leg Lift

10 reps each side

  • Start lying flat on your back. Bend one knee in with your foot on the ground, and the other leg straight.
  • Lift the leg that is straight in the air, all the way to 90 degrees. Keep your arms at your sides, and control the movement to lower the leg back down.
  • Complete 10 reps on one side beofre switching to the opposite side
  • Modification: if lying on your back caused you to feel dizzy, place a few pillows or lie on an incline with your head elevated

8. alternating hammer curl

10 reps each side

  • Hold a light weight in each hand. Perform a bicep curl with one hand, but keep your arm rotated so that your palm is facing in, like you are giving someone a thumbs up.
  • Bend only at the elbow, and then lower back to your side.
  • Repeat on the opposite side. Complete 10 reps on each arm.
block 3 day 3 Programed Workouts

Week 10, Day 3

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the seventh week of programmed workouts with the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy workouts.

This week will feature an entirely new list of exercises for each day. Each exercise has been linked to a more detailed explanation of the movement. Modifications, as well as how to make the exercise harder or easier, have also been listed here.

The format will remain the same. Start with a short warm up in the video featured below. Each day will feature 7-8 exercises, each performed for 10 reps or for 30 seconds. Complete the list as many times as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!

Standard Warm Up

Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.

Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

1Rear Foot Elevated Oscilating Split Squat10 each side
2KB Deatlift10 reps
3Single Leg Hops10 each side
4Carioca10-15 yards and back
5Upright Row & Overhead Press10 reps
6Quad Extensions10 reps + !0 second Hold
7Side Plank Arm Raise10 each side
8Hip external rotation at the wall with hip in neutral5-10 each side
  1. Rear Foot Elevated Oscilating Split Squat

10 reps

Place one foot on a bench, chair, or stair behind you. Place the other foot about 1 step in front, in a position similar to that of a regular split squat.

Bend the front leg until your back knee is almost touching the ground, and then stand back up. Complete all 10 reps on one leg, and then switch your feet.

The target muscle groups in this exercise are in the front leg or “working leg”. The back leg should serve mostly as support. Lowering the elevation of the back leg should help to make this exercise easier.

2. KB Deatlift

10 reps

  • Start standing with your feet outside your shoulders. If your belly is in the way when you start the movement, you can step your feet wider.
  • Hold a weight of your choice (kettlebell, dumbbell, gallon of milk, etc) in your hands with your arms straight
  • Keeping a soft bend in your knees, hinge forward from your hips as you lower the weight as if trying to touch the ground. Keep the weight as close to you as possible.
  • Push your heels through the ground as you stand back up. 
  • To decrease stress on your pelvic floor muscles, gently exhale (through nose or mouth) as you stand back up. This is the hardest part of the movement. 

MODIFICATION: If you can’t bend very low, place something in front of you (a small box, stand in front of a step) and only lower until your weight touches the box/step and stand back up. If this is still too much, see video for “Seated Kettlebell Deadlift”

3. Single Leg Hops

10 reps

  • Find a wall of back of a couch to hold on to for support. Hop on one foot in place for 15 seconds, and then switch to the opposite side for 15 seconds.
  • Focus on small, quick hops staying lower to the ground.

4. Carioca

10-15 yards and back

  • The motion of this sideways running drill resembles a lateral shuffle exercise but can sometimes also include a “high knee” crossover step.
    • Cross your right foot over your left.
    • Step with your left foot to uncross your legs
    • With your left foot planted, cross your right leg behind you. Your legs will again be crosses
    • Step again with your left foot to return to the starting position
    • Repeat in a continuous motion for about 15 yards. Repeat the pattern in the opposite direction to return to the start.

5. Upright Row & Overhead Press

10 reps

  • Hold a small weight (soup can or dumbbell) in each hand
  • Bring your elbows up and out the the side, with your hands pointed down towars the ground
  • Rotate the hands up at a 90 degree angle, so that you are forming a goal post with your arms
  • Press the weights straight about your head. Lock out your elbows, and then return to the goal post position
  • Rotate your hands back down, and then lower your arms all the way to your sides.

6. Quad Extensions

10 reps each

  • Seated on the edge of a bed or chair, let both feet dangle.
  • Lift one leg and straighten the knee, flexing the quadricepts (front muscles of the thigh).
  • Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top, while keeping the opposite leg relaxed.
  • Repeat 10 times on the first leg, and then repeat on the other side.

7. Side Plank Arm Raise

5 reps each

  • Position yourself on your side with bottom leg knee bent, foot behind your body. Your bottom elbow should be bent on the ground with hand forward, and your top arm can rest on side. 
  • Raise hips so body is off the ground and at the same time raise your upper arm straight up until shoulder level. 
  • Hold for a count of five seconds. 
  • Repeat for 5 reps on one side, then switch to opposite side. 

8. Hip external rotation at the wall with hip in neutral

10 reps

  • Stand up against a wall with knee closest to the wall bent at a 90-degree angle behind you.
  • Keeping the outside of your upper leg (thigh) against the wall, lift your foot off the wall as far as you can without leaning over (think about standing tall).
  • Return to starting position.
block 3 day 2 Programed Workouts

Week 10, Day 2

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the seventh week of programmed workouts with the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy workouts.

This week will feature an entirely new list of exercises for each day. Each exercise has been linked to a more detailed explanation of the movement. Modifications, as well as how to make the exercise harder or easier, have also been listed here.

The format will remain the same. Each day will feature 7-8 exercises, each performed for 10 reps or for 30 seconds. Complete the list as many times as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!

Standard Warm Up

Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.

Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

1Four Way Lungex2 sets each side
2Single Arm Elevated Pushup From Knee5-10 each side
3Back Elevated Hip Thrust10 reps
4Supine Ball Squeeze10 reps
5Standing Push Press10 reps
6Sumo Squat + Hold10 reps + !0 second Hold
7Ball and Baby Balance BuilderBall and Baby Balance Builder10 each side
8Jog Walk Intervals10 reps
  1. Four Way Lunge

Complete 2 sets on each side

All with the right leg being the one moving (left leg stationary)…

  • Lunge to the front
  • Lunge to the side
  • Lunge to the back
  • Lunge to the other side
  • Then switch to the other side and repeat, twice on each side

2. Single Arm Elevated Pushup From Knee

5-10 reps each side

  • Start in a kneeling pushup position, and place one hand on an elevated surface such as a stair step, stack of books, or basketball.
  • Control the motion of bending your elbows to lower your upper body to the level of the elevated surface. Keep the core tight to remain balance.
  • Complete 5 reps on one side, and then switch to complete on the opposite side. Total of 10 reps.

3. Back Elevated Hip Thrust

10 reps

  • Sit on the floor with your upper back against a couch or chair and knees bent.
  • Push through the floor to raise your hips off the ground, holding for 2-3 seconds at the top, and then lower back to the ground.

4. Supine Ball Squeeze

10 reps

  • On back or with a wedge under upper body, place arms down at sides and put small ball between knees.
  • Bring knees up until over hips and slowly squeeze the ball for count of 5.

5. Standing Push Press

10 reps

  • Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Hold an object or weight at your chest, and press with both hands to raise the weight above your head.
  • Lower back to your chest to return to the starting position.

6. Sumo Squat + Hold

10 reps + 10 seconds hold

To perform a sumo squat.

  • Stand with feet mush wider that shoulder width. (This is what makes it a “sumo” stance!)
  • Bend your knees and sit your hips back to squat down, and then stand back up to starting position. Squeeze your glutes at the top.
  • Complete 10 reps
  • On the LAST rep, hold for 10 seconds at the bottom position, and then stand all the way back up.

7. Ball and Baby Balance Builders

5-10 reps each side

  • Place yoga ball right at the center of your hips and belly, with your feet on the floor behind you.
  • Hold a position to a plank, with hands and feet on the ground at the same time. Have the ball support your hips and abdomen.
  • Reach one arm up in the air, while reaching the opposite leg in the air. For example, you would only have your left arm and right leg on the ground, with the other limbs in the air. Hold for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the ground. Repeat with the opposite side.

8. Jog Walk Intervals

30 seconds

Try to keep moving for the entire 30 seconds at a comfortable pace.

  • If you have open space, take off on a jog in the same direction for 15 seconds. At the fifteen second mark, turn around and walk back to the start.
  • Repeat this 2 times, for a total of 30 seconds of jogging

Looking for more? Here are some quick add ons to wrap up the workout. Great work!

Cool Down

  • Cool Down Stretch and Mobility Routine
  • 5 minute yoga and meditation
  • 15-30 Minute walk

Congrats on finishing day 1!! We are proud of you for prioritizing your fitness for the betterment of your health throughout this pregnancy journey.


Bear Crawl Lateral Step

(Difficulty: Advanced)


  • Hold a bear crawl position, with hands and feet on the ground, and knees bent hovering slightly over the ground.
  • Keeping the back flat, take a step sideways on all fours.
  • Take 10 steps in one direction, and then take 10 steps back leading with the opposite side to return to the starting position.

Upright Row and Overhead Press

Difficulty: Intermediate


Hold your weights, in front of you, standing straight with your feet underneath your hips and your toes facing forward. Rest your arms along the front of your body until the dumbbells are in front of your thighs.

Face your palms toward your body. Raise the dumbbells to your chest. Keep the weights close to your body. Turn your elbows lower than your hands as you rotate your palms to face outward. Straighten your arms overhead then return to the original position.


Toe Walk

(Difficulty: Beginner)


  • Find a distance of about 10-15 yards. Stand on your toes, and walk the full distance without letting your heels touch the ground.
  • Walk all the way there and back.

Table Top Bird Dog

(Difficulty: Intermediate)


Begin on all fours, knees planted directly below the waist and hands planted directly below the shoulders.

Carefully extend your left back leg behind you and simultaneously extend your right arm in front of you.

Pull them back to the starting position and do the same for the opposite leg and arm.