LOSSB Programed Workouts

Week 6 Workout 1 

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the first day of your sixth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Post Pregnancy Workouts.

Warm Up

3 min:
Breathing – standing

  • Breathe in slowly letting the lower ribcage expand outward in all directions (360 degrees) as you inhale (your shoulders or upper body should not move). Imagine a belt looped around your lower ribs and you are trying to push through the belt with your breathing.
  • Exhale slowly allowing your lower ribcage to relax as you breathe out totally relaxing the body.  

3 rounds:
Shinbox (5 per side)

  • From a seated position, position your front leg in a 90 degree angle and your back leg in a 90 degree angle. One hip internally rotated and the other hip externally rotated. Engage your glutes and press the knee of your externally rotated leg into the ground, which will drive your hips up and over.

3 rounds:
Adductor Rock Back (5 per side)

  • Start by positioning yourself on your hands and knees. Lower yourself to the ground pushing your posterior back and extending your leg extended to the side.
  • You can gently rock here back and forth, then switch sides.


3 rounds:
Birddogs (8 per side)

  • Begin on all fours, knees planted directly below the waist and hands planted directly below the shoulders.
  • Carefully extend your left back leg behind you and simultaneously extend your right arm in front of you.
  • Pull them back to the starting position and do the same for the opposite leg and arm.

3 rounds:
Half-Kneel Elbow to Knee (8 per side)


3 rounds:
Goblet Squats (7-9 reps)

  • You can either choose to use a weight or not. Hold your hands or weight in your hands directly in front of your chest. Spread your legs slightly and push your behind back as you bend your knees.
  • Press down into a full squat and then back up.
  • Rest 60-90 seconds between rounds.

3 rounds:
Kettlebell Deadlift – Stance B (8 per side)

  • Stand with a leg positioned slightly bent behind the foot staggerstanced (B-stance).
  • Hold a weight of your choice (kettlebell, dumbbell, gallon of milk, etc) in your hands with your arms straight.
  • Keeping a soft bend in your knees, hinge forward from your hips as you lower the weight as if trying to touch the ground. Keep the weight as close to you as possible.
  • Push your heels through the ground as you stand back up. 

3 rounds:
Floor Press (8 reps)

  • Lying down on your back with your legs bent hold a weight in each hand. (be careful not to drop the weight) Extend the weights straight above you each wrist stacked over each shoulder. Carefully lower the weights down to your chest by bending your elbows. Extend your arms back to the starting position and you have completed one rep.

3 rounds:
Bent-Over Rows (8 per side)

  • Hold a weight (milk jug, kettle bell) in the hand on the opposite side of the leg that is in front. (Ex: left leg in front, right arm holding kettle bell).
  • Complete 10 reps on one side before switching arms. Make sure to switch your feet as well!
  • Have a slight lean forward, so that your chest is towards the front leg. Bend your elbow to pull the weight up to your hip. You should feel this exercise in the upper arm and shoulder.
  • Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top, and then return to the start by fully straightening the arm.


3 rounds:
Hip Flexor Marches (8 per side)

2 rounds:
Fire Hydrants (5 per side)

  • Start on your hands and knees with your back parallel to the ground. Slowly lift one leg, keeping it bent at the knee out to the side of your body. Lift it as high as you feel comfortable then return it to the ground. Repeat on the other side.


Thoracic Rotation (30 seconds per side)

  • Begin by laying on your back on the floor and stretch out your arms to the side with your palms facing the ground. 
  • While keeping your upper body flat against the ground bend a leg at the knee. Lift and cross this leg over the other and hold. 
  • Repeat on the other side. 
LOSSA Programed Workouts

*Week 6 – Workout 1

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the first day of your sixth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Post Pregnancy Workouts.

Warm Up

2 min:
Breathing – standing

  • Breathe in slowly letting the lower ribcage expand outward in all directions (360 degrees) as you inhale (your shoulders or upper body should not move). Imagine a belt looped around your lower ribs and you are trying to push through the belt with your breathing.
  • Exhale slowly allowing your lower ribcage to relax as you breathe out totally relaxing the body.  

3 rounds:
Shinbox 5 per side

  • From a seated position, position your front leg in a 90 degree angle and your back leg in a 90 degree angle. One hip internally rotated and the other hip externally rotated. Engage your glutes and press the knee of your externally rotated leg into the ground, which will drive your hips up and over.

3 rounds:
Abductor Rock back 8 per side

  • You can gently rock here back and forth, then switch sides.
  • Start by positioning yourself on your hands and knees. Lower yourself to the ground pushing your posterior back and extending your leg extended to the side.


3 rounds:
8 per side Birddog

  • Begin on all fours, knees planted directly below the waist and hands planted directly below the shoulders.
  • Carefully extend your left back leg behind you and simultaneously extend your right arm in front of you.
  • Pull them back to the starting position and do the same for the opposite leg and arm.

3 rounds:
8 reverse crunches

  • Lie on your back and lift your legs and some of your bottom off the ground. Brace your core to hold yourself barely off the ground. Return to the ground.


3 rounds:
Goblet Squat

  • You can either choose to use a weight or not. Hold your hands or weight in your hands directly in front of your chest. Spread your legs slightly and push your behind back as you bend your knees.
  • Press down into a full squat and then back up.

3 rounds:
8 per side kettlebell deadlift (B stance)

  • Another option is to stand with a leg positioned slightly bent behind the foot staggerstanced (B-stance)
  • Hold a weight of your choice (kettlebell, dumbbell, gallon of milk, etc) in your hands with your arms straight
  • Keeping a soft bend in your knees, hinge forward from your hips as you lower the weight as if trying to touch the ground. Keep the weight as close to you as possible.
  • Push your heels through the ground as you stand back up. 

3 rounds:
6 floor press

  • Lying down on your back with your legs bent hold a weight in each hand. (be careful not to drop the weight) Extend the weights straight above you each wrist stacked over each shoulder. Carefully lower the weights down to your chest by bending your elbows. Extend your arms back to the starting position and you have completed one rep.

3 rounds:
Bent over rows 8 per side

  • Hold a weight (milk jug, kettle bell) in the hand on the opposite side of the leg that is in front. (Ex: left leg in front, right arm holding kettle bell)
  • Complete 10 reps on one side before switching arms. Make sure to switch your feet as well!
  • Have a slight lean forward, so that your chest is towards the front leg. Bend your elbow to pull the weight up to your hip. You should feel this exercise in the upper arm and shoulder.
  • Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top, and then ret
    30 sec per side pigeonurn to the start by fully straightening the arm.


3 rounds:
8 per side Hip Flexor March

  • Sit on the ground with legs straight out in front of you.
  • Lift one foot off the ground as far as you can using your quads and hip flexor muscles. Return it back to the ground, and repeat on the opposite side.
  • To make the exercise easier, Support your back on a wall or bottom of the couch.

2 rounds:
8 per side fire hydrant

  • Start on your hands and knees with your back parallel to the ground. Slowly lift one leg, keeping it bent at the knee out to the side of your body. Lift it as high as you feel comfortable then return it to the ground. Repeat on the other side.


30 seconds per side thoracic rotation

block 1 day 1 Programed Workouts

Week 6, Day 1

This is the start of the third week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!

If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!

Todays workout includes the same movements from Day one of last week. Each exercise description has been linked for extra info and tips on completing the movement correctly. The time this week will stay the same. Try to improve from last week by making small form adjustments, or even completing a few extra reps!

Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.


Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

1Wall Sit20-30 seconds
2Glute Bridge10 reps
3Scissor Hops10 each
4Beginner Pushup5-10 reps
5Primal Pushup Hold20-30 seconds
6Calf Raises10 reps
7Supine Toe Touches10 reps
8Hip Flexor Standing March10 each side

  1. Wall Sit

20-30 seconds

  • Like sitting in a chair that isn’t there! Find a sturdy, flat wall to serve as the back of your (non-existant) chair.
  • Bend the knees to lower your hips to the ground, until knees are bent at approx. 90 degrees, thighs parallel to the floor.
  • Keep the chest up tall, and avoid putting your hands on you legs for support.

Muscle Groups: quads, hamstrings, hip stabilizers

  • to increase difficulty: raise the heels off the ground and hold the same squat position, pressing into the ground with only the ball of the foot.

2. Glute Bridge

10 reps

  • Start lying flat on your back, with knees bent and feet planted in the floor near your hips. Push through your heels, raising your hips in the air.
  • Think about squeezing your glutes and hamstrings at the top, holding for 1-2 seconds
  • to increase difficulty: elevate your feet on a chair or couch, keep the core tight as your raise your hips higher into the air

Muscle Groups: glutes, hamstrings, hip stabilizers

3. Scissor Hops

10 reps each

  • Start in a split stance, with one foot slightly in front of the other.
  • With each small jump, switch your feet.
  • Knees should stay almost straight, and hops should be about as small as if you were jump roping.

4. Beginner Pushup

5-10 reps

  • Use a chair, couch, bench, box or even a wall to elevate the hands. Kneeling on the ground facing the box (or other surface), place the hands about shoulder width apart.
  • Bend the elbows until the chest lowers to the edge of the box, controlling the tempo throughout the movement.
  • Elbows should stay tight to the sides of the body

to increase difficulty: change from a kneeling start position to a tall-plank start position, with the elbows and knees straight.

  • raising the elevation of the hands will decrease the difficulty of the movement
  • Focus on the form! Ensure you are maximizing the effectivness of the exercise by keeping the core tight, neutral spine, and elbows in tight!

5. Primal Pushup

20-30 seconds

  • Begin on all fours, with knees bent and back flat. Arms should be straight, with hands directly under the shoulders.
  • Keep the core tight, and press though the toes to lift your knees off the ground. This should feel slightly easier than a traditional plank, with some of the pressure being directed through the quads.
  • Isometrically hold this position. This is targeting your core and quad muscle groups!

Focus on the Form! Keep the back flat with the knees as close the the ground as possible.

6. Calf Raises

10 reps

  • Pushup through your toes to raise your heels off the ground.
  • Use a wall for balance if needed, or try standing on a stair step with the heels hanging off the edge. The increased range of motion will increase difficulty!

Focus on the form! Isolate the top of the movement, holding for at least 1 second to ensure your are reaching the maximum range of motion!

7. Supine Toe Touches

10 reps

  • Lie flat on your back with feet in the air and legs straight.
  • Use the core muscles to reach up and touch your toes, lifting the shoulders and upper back off the ground.

Focus on the form! Keep the legs straight and perpendicular to the floor.

8. Hip Flexor March

10 reps each side

  • Find a wall or couch to support your hands, while your feet are positioned about 3 feet out from the wall.
  • Lift one knee in the air, bent at 90 degrees. Lower it back to the ground, and then repeat on the opposite side as if you are marching.
  • Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds for each rep.

Focus on the form! Avoid rotating the shoulders or hips to compensate. The exercise will help build important stabilizing muscles.


Week 6, Day 1


3 min: Breathing

3 rounds:
5 per side shinbox

5 per side child’s pose thoracic rotation


3 rounds:
5 per side bird dog (arms only)

8 per side pallof press

Box Squat

3 rounds, 9 reps
60-90 seconds rest beween rounds


3 rounds:
12 band good morning

8 per arm seated strict press

10 standing band row


2 rounds:
5 per side monster walk (side/side/front/back)

2 min prone

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