Exercise Classification: Intermediate
Air Squat
Squat with Support
Goblet Squat
Exercise Classification: Intermediate
Air Squat
Squat with Support
Goblet Squat
Difficulty: Beginner
Standing Rotation with band Original
You can increase or decrease the difficulty of this exercise by shortening or lengthening the distance of the band between your foot and hand.
Dip and Turn (Exercise Classification: Advanced)
You can increase or decrease the difficulty of this exercise by shortening or lengthening the distance of the band between your hands. If you have trouble dipping down to 90 degrees, you can decrease how far you dip your front knee down.
Bird Dogs Legs Only (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)
The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.
Safety tips:
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Bird Dogs arms only (Exercise Classification: Beginner)
The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.
Safety tips:
© WKU {2022} All rights reserved.
Side lying transverse abdomens (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)
The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.
Safety tips:
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Power Squat (Exercise Classification: Advanced)
The following exercise helps strengthen muscles and the cardiovascular system. Start with one set of each exercise for 10 reps(that is, do the exercise 10 times in a row). You can build up slowly to 4 or more sets. You can also combine this exercise with other exercises in the app to create a workout that will challenge the entire body!
Safety tips:
This will be similar to a regular squat except for that you can move a little faster, reduce the depth of the squat, and if you wanted to make it a little bit harder, add a small jump to the end of the movement. You can modify by keeping both feet on the ground at all times.
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Four way Lunge (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)
The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.
Safety tips:
All with the right leg being the one moving (left leg stationary)…
Then switch to the other side and repeat.
© WKU {2022} All rights reserved.
Exercise Classification: Intermediate or Beginner (if kicks are kept low)
The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.
Safety tips:
© WKU {2022} All rights reserved.
Exercise Classification: Advanced
The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.
Safety tips:
© WKU {2022} All rights reserved.