
Deadlift with Dumbell/Kettlebell

Deadlift (Kettlebell) 

(Difficulty: Intermediate)

Equipment: Dumbell/Kettlebell

*If you do not have a kettlebell, don’t worry! You can use a standard weight, a milk jug full of water, or anything that weighs ~5-10 pounds that can be safely held in your hands. You can also modify by doing the exercise without any weight.

  • Start standing with your feet outside your shoulders. If your belly is in the way when you start the movement, you can step your feet wider.
  • Hold a weight of your choice (kettlebell, dumbbell, gallon of milk, etc) in your hands with your arms straight
  • Keeping a soft bend in your knees, hinge forward from your hips as you lower the weight as if trying to touch the ground. Keep the weight as close to you as possible.
  • Push your heels through the ground as you stand back up. 
  • To decrease stress on your pelvic floor muscles, gently exhale (through nose or mouth) as you stand back up. This is the hardest part of the movement. 
  • MODIFICATION: If you can’t bend very low, place something in front of you (a small box, stand in front of a step) and only lower until your weight touches the box/step and stand back up. If this is still too much, see video for “Seated Kettlebell Deadlift” 

Goblet Squat with Modified Stance

Goblet Squat with Modified Stance (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Kettlebell*

*If you do not have a kettlebell, don’t worry! You can use a standard weight, a milk jug full of water, or anything that weighs ~5-10 pounds that can be safely held in your hands. You can also modify by doing the exercise without any weight.


  • Start standing with feet shoulder distance apart. If it feels better to you, move your legs further apart or closer together. 
  • Hold your weight in your hands in front of your chest with your elbows bent 
  • Holding the weight in this position, squat down by sitting your bottom down and back as if trying to sit in a chair and bending your knees.
  • Gently exhale through your mouth as you stand back up 
  • Reps will vary depending on the weight you use and your prior fitness level but you want to perform a number where you feel tired on the last repetition but could still do 3-4 more if you had to. 

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Leg Lifts with Baby

Difficulty: Beginner


Low Back Stretch with Stroller

Difficulty: Beginner


Seated Ankle Pumps

Seated Ankle Pumps (Intensity level: Beginner)

Equipment: None

  •  Start in a sitting position (either in a chair or with your legs out in front of you as seen in the video)
  • Start by pointing your toes and ankles away from you as far as you can. You will feel some tension in your calf muscles on the backside of your lower leg
  • Then move your toes and ankles towards you as far as you can. You will feel a stretch in your calf muscles on the backside of your lower leg.
  • Move back and forth between these positions at a comfortable speed. You can hold each position for a few seconds if that feels good but you do not have to.
  • Repeat for 20 repetitions (away from you + towards you= 1 repetition) 
  • This exercise is very helpful if you have swelling in your feet, ankles, or legs, especially at the end of the day or after long periods of standing. 

Arm Lift with Baby

Difficulty: Beginner


Seated Deadlift

Seated Kettlebell Deadlift (Exercise Classification: Beginner)

Equipment: Kettlebell

*If you do not have a kettlebell, don’t worry! You can use a standard weight, a milk jug full of water, or anything that weighs ~5-10 pounds that can be safely held in your hands. You can also modify by doing the exercise without any weight. 

  • Start seated in a chair with your feet a little wider than your hips
  • Hold a weight of your choice (kettlebell, dumbbell, gallon of milk, etc) in your hands with your arms straight
  • Hinge forward at the hips as you lower the weight as if trying to touch the floor (the weight may actually touch the floor- that is OK).
  • Push your heels through the ground and gently squeeze your bottom as you rise back up.
  • To decrease stress on your pelvic floor muscles, gently exhale (through nose or mouth) as you rise back up. This is the hardest part of the movement. 


Supine Bent Knee Hip Raise

Difficulty: Beginner

Lay on the ground with feet hip length apart.
Hold any sized weight, or if you are comfortable hold your baby under their arms; directly over your hips, they can be facing away or facing you, whichever is more convenient.

Push through the floor to raise your hips off the ground, holding for 2-3 seconds at the top, and then lower back to the ground.


Supine Back Extension with Arms in Front

Difficulty: Intermediate


Lay down on your stomach and extend your arms beyond your head, shoulders beside your ears. Engage your glutes, core, and back to activate the entirety of your spine to lift your lower legs, shoulders, head and chest up away from the floor and hold this position for 2-3 seconds.

Aim to squeeze your shoulder blades together on your back by contracting your upper back muscles.


Supine Back Extension with Arms Behind Back

Difficulty: Intermediate


Lay down on your stomach and extend your arms behind you. Engage your glutes, core, and back to activate the entirety of your spine to lift your lower legs, shoulders, head and chest up away from the floor and hold this position for 2-3 seconds.

Aim to squeeze your shoulder blades together on your back by contracting your upper back muscles.