LOSSB Programed Workouts

Week 5 Workout 3 

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the third day of your fifth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Post Pregnancy Workouts.


3 min:
Breathing – Standing

  • Breathe in slowly letting the lower ribcage expand outward in all directions (360 degrees) as you inhale (your shoulders or upper body should not move). Imagine a belt looped around your lower ribs and you are trying to push through the belt with your breathing.
  • Exhale slowly allowing your lower ribcage to relax as you breathe out totally relaxing the body.  

3 rounds:
Shinbox (5 per side)

  • From a seated position, position your front leg in a 90 degree angle and your back leg in a 90 degree angle. One hip internally rotated and the other hip externally rotated. Engage your glutes and press the knee of your externally rotated leg into the ground, which will drive your hips up and over.

3 rounds:
Adductor Rock Back (8 per side)

  • You can gently rock here back and forth, then switching sides.
  • Start by positioning yourself on your hands and knees. Lower yourself to the ground pushing your posterior back and extending your leg extended to the side.


3 rounds:
Birddogs (8 per side)

  • Pull them back to the starting position and do the same for the opposite leg and arm.
  • Begin on all fours, knees planted directly below the waist and hands planted directly below the shoulders.
  • Carefully extend your left back leg behind you and simultaneously extend your right arm in front of you.

3 rounds:
Lateral Pull-Throughs (8 per side)

  • Begin on your hands and knees with a small weight placed on one side of your body. With the arm on the opposite side of your body as the weight; reach through underneath yourself and pull the weight to the other side of your body. Repeat by pulling the weight to the opposite side of your body with alternating arms.


3 rounds:
Step-Ups (6-8 per side)

  • Find a stable box or step at a comfortable height to step onto.
  • Place it directly in front of you and take about one step back from it. 
  • To begin place one foot on the box and push off from the box to pull the other one off the ground. 
  • Do not put pressure on the foot off the box simply let it rise to meet the other on the box and set it back down on the ground. 
    • Tip: Go slow on the way down. Use the wall or chair for assist as needed.
  • Repeat 6-8 times with one leg before switching to the other side. 

3 rounds:
Air Squats (8 reps)

  • Stand with the feet in a straddle position. 
  • Slowly squat toward the floor by dropping your bottom down and back as if trying to sit in a chair. Knees should remain in line with the toes. 
  • Squat as far as you comfortable can without allowing your heels to lift off the floor.

3 rounds:
Dumbbell Strict Press

3 rounds:
Standing Banded Rows (10 reps)

  • Equipment: Band; if you do not have a band, try this with a jump rope, scarf, or even a tied up blanket. 
  • Start standing shoulder width apart with a slight bend in the knees.
  • Hold onto two ends of the band with both hands. Separate and straighten your arms about shoulder width apart. 
  • Slowly and with control pull your arms into your body by bending them and pulling them to your sides. 
  • Return your arms to the straightened starting position. 


3 rounds:
Monster Walks (8 per side in all directions – forward, backward, and to the right and left)

  • Once completed step towards the other side so the following leg is now the leading leg.
  • Stand shoulder width apart and bend knees until in a crouch position holding your arms at your sides.
  • Begin to step to one side with the leading leg and have the other follow a step behind for two steps each.
  • Perform this activity in all directions, including to each side, forward, and backward.


Thoracic Rotation (30 seconds to each side)

  • Begin by laying on your back on the floor and stretch out your arms to the side with your palms facing the ground. 
  • While keeping your upper body flat against the ground bend a leg at the knee. Lift and cross this leg over the other and hold. 
  • Repeat on the other side. 
LOSSA Programed Workouts

*Week 5 – Workout 3

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the third day of your fifth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Post Pregnancy Workouts.


2 min:
Breathing – Standing

  • Breathe in slowly letting the lower ribcage expand outward in all directions (360 degrees) as you inhale (your shoulders or upper body should not move). Imagine a belt looped around your lower ribs and you are trying to push through the belt with your breathing.
  • Exhale slowly allowing your lower ribcage to relax as you breathe out totally relaxing the body.  

3 rounds:
Shinbox 5 per side

  • From a seated position, position your front leg in a 90 degree angle and your back leg in a 90 degree angle. One hip internally rotated and the other hip externally rotated. Engage your glutes and press the knee of your externally rotated leg into the ground, which will drive your hips up and over.

3 rounds:
Abductor Rock back 8 per side

  • You can gently rock here back and forth, then switching sides.
  • Start by positioning yourself on your hands and knees. Lower yourself to the ground pushing your posterior back and extending your leg extended to the side.


3 rounds:
8 per side Birddog

  • Pull them back to the starting position and do the same for the opposite leg and arm.
  • Begin on all fours, knees planted directly below the waist and hands planted directly below the shoulders.
  • Carefully extend your left back leg behind you and simultaneously extend your right arm in front of you.

3 rounds:
Lateral Pull Through 8 per side reps

  • Begin on your hands and knees with a small weight placed on one side of your body. With the arm on the opposite side of your body as the weight; reach through underneath yourself and pull the weight to the other side of your body. Repeat by pulling the weight to the opposite side of your body with alternating arms.


3 rounds:
Step-ups 6 each side
Rest 60 seconds between rounds, 6-8 reps

  • Tip: Go as slow as possible on your way down. Use the wall or a chair to assist as needed
  • Start in a standing position just behind the step.
  • Raise up onto the step with one leg as you pump your arms.
  • Return to start position.
  • Switch to the opposite leg and raise up.
  • You may increase the intensity of this exercise by stepping both legs onto the step and stepping back down.
  • Tip: Try to pull yourself onto the box with the front leg instead of pushing off with the back leg

3 rounds:
8 Air Squats
Hold for a count of five.

  • Stand with the feet in a straddle position. 
  • Slowly squat toward the floor by dropping your bottom down and back as if trying to sit in a chair. Knees should remain in line with the toes. 
  • Squat as far as you comfortable can without allowing your heels to lift off the floor.

3 rounds:
Seated Strict Press
Rest 60 seconds between rounds, 6-8 reps

  • Carefully lower back down to the goalpost position 
  • Begin by sitting on the ground with your legs out in front of you.
  • Grab two dumbbells and make a goalpost shape with your arms 
  • Slow and controlled push the weights overhead until they reach the top

3 rounds:
Lateral Pull Through 8 per side reps

  • Begin on your hands and knees with a small weight placed on one side of your body. With the arm on the opposite side of your body as the weight; reach through underneath yourself and pull the weight to the other side of your body. Repeat by pulling the weight to the opposite side of your body with alternating arms.


3 rounds:
5 per side monster walk

  • Once completed step towards the other side so the following leg is now the leading leg 
  • Stand shoulder width apart and bend knees until in a crouch position holding your arms at your sides 
  • Begin to step to one side with the leading leg and have the other follow a step behind for two steps each


30 seconds per side thoracic rotation

block 1 day 3 Programed Workouts

Week 5, Day 3

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the third day of the second week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!

Standard Warm Up

Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.

Set a timer for 25 minutes.

Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.

1Stair Step Ups10 each side
2Seated Strict Presss10 reps
3Box Squat10 reps
4Good Morning10 reps
5One Arm Bent Over Row10 each side
6Seated Hip Flexor March10 reps each
7Lateral Leg Raise10 each side
  1. Stair Step Ups

10 reps each side

  • Find a stable box or step at a comfortable height to step onto
  • Stand directly infront of it, facing the step. Place one foot on the surface of the step
  • Push off using only the foot on the stair, letting the opposite foot come off the ground to meet at the height of the box. Control the movement back down, letting the same foot return to the ground.
  • Complete all 10 reps on one side before switching to the opposite side.

2. Seated Strict Press

10 reps

Begin by sitting on the ground with your legs out in front of you.

Modification: If sitting with legs straight out in front causes low blood pressure, bend knees and place feet flat on ground or sit with legs crossed

  • Grab two dumbbells and make a goalpost shape with your arms 
  • Slow and controlled push the weights overhead until they reach the top

Modification: Turn palms to face each other if pressing overhead with hands facing forward is uncomfortable

  • Carefully lower back down to the goalpost position 

3. Box Squat

10 reps

  • Stand directly in front of the corner of a chair or couch. Widen your feet just outside your shoulders.
  • Sit your hips back and bend your knees to squat to the chair or surface. Your butt should lightly touch the seat (not actucally sitting down!) in a controlled motion, and then stand back up.
  • Think about sitting on a balloon!
  • Stand all the way up to finish the rep. Squeeze your glutes at the top.

Modification: If you cannot squat all the way to the chair, try squatting half way down, and then stand up.

4. Good Morning

10 reps

  • This exercise is very similar to an RDL (Romanian Deadlift), as they both involve a great stretch of the hamstrings (back side of your thigh).
  • Position your hands behind your head, and push your hips straight back. Keep your knees almost straight, and back flat. Go down until you feel a stretch your hamstrings, and then squeeze your glutes (butt) to extend your hips on the way back up

5. One Arm Bent Over Row

10 reps each side

  • Place the palm or fist of the right hand on the seat a chair or bench, or on your thigh. Hand weight is in the left hand with the arm extended. 
  • Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other. The side that is holding the weight should be the back foot.
  • Raise the left arm, bending at the elbow and lifting the elbow to the ceiling.
  • Pull the weight to about hip level, and then lower the weight so that your arm is completly straight again
    • Tip: Try to keep your shoulders even, and avoid rotating to one side or the other

6. Seated Hip Flexor March

10 reps each side

  • Sit on the ground with legs straight out in front of you.
  • Lift one foot off the ground as far as you can using your quads and hip flexor muscles. Return it back to the ground, and repeat on the opposite side.
  • To make the exercise easier, Support your back on a wall or bottom of the couch.
  • Modification: Sitting in a chair, lift one thigh up while keeping the knee bent, and opposite foot on the floor. Lower it back to the ground, and then lift the opposite leg up.

7. Lateral Leg Raise (Standing Hip Abduction)

10 reps each side

  • Stand with one hand resting on a sturdy chair for balance.
  • Lift the outside leg away from the body, keeping your torso straight as you lift.
  • Slowly lower it to the starting position. Complete 10 reps on one side before switching sides.
  • Your ABductor muscles are those that lift your leg away from your body. Think about using your gluteal muscles as well as the outside of your thigh.

Week 5, Day 3


3 min: Breathing

3 rounds:
5 per side 90/90 to kneel

5 per side adductor rock back


3 rounds:
5 per side heel tap

8 straight arm pull down

Step Up – Slow Lower

3 rounds, 5 per side
Rest 60 seconds between rounds


3 rounds:
10 box squat

8 push up

5 per side lateral pull thru


2 rounds:
5 per leg fire hydrant

8 per leg hip flexor march standing

30 seconds per leg pigeon

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