
Goblet Squat with Modified Stance

Goblet Squat with Modified Stance (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Kettlebell*

*If you do not have a kettlebell, don’t worry! You can use a standard weight, a milk jug full of water, or anything that weighs ~5-10 pounds that can be safely held in your hands. You can also modify by doing the exercise without any weight.


  • Start standing with feet shoulder distance apart. If it feels better to you, move your legs further apart or closer together. 
  • Hold your weight in your hands in front of your chest with your elbows bent 
  • Holding the weight in this position, squat down by sitting your bottom down and back as if trying to sit in a chair and bending your knees.
  • Gently exhale through your mouth as you stand back up 
  • Reps will vary depending on the weight you use and your prior fitness level but you want to perform a number where you feel tired on the last repetition but could still do 3-4 more if you had to. 

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Supine Back Extension with Arms in Front

Difficulty: Intermediate


Lay down on your stomach and extend your arms beyond your head, shoulders beside your ears. Engage your glutes, core, and back to activate the entirety of your spine to lift your lower legs, shoulders, head and chest up away from the floor and hold this position for 2-3 seconds.

Aim to squeeze your shoulder blades together on your back by contracting your upper back muscles.


Supine Back Extension with Arms Behind Back

Difficulty: Intermediate


Lay down on your stomach and extend your arms behind you. Engage your glutes, core, and back to activate the entirety of your spine to lift your lower legs, shoulders, head and chest up away from the floor and hold this position for 2-3 seconds.

Aim to squeeze your shoulder blades together on your back by contracting your upper back muscles.


Supine Back Extension Arms Bent

Difficulty: Intermediate


Lay down on your stomach and lift your arms bent at your side. Engage your glutes, core, and back to activate the entirety of your spine to lift your lower legs, shoulders, head and chest up away from the floor and hold this position for 2-3 seconds.

Aim to squeeze your shoulder blades together on your back by contracting your upper back muscles.


Sumo Squat with Baby

Difficulty: Intermediate


Stand with feet much wider than shoulder width. Bend your knees and sit your hips back to squat down, and then extend back up to starting position.

Squeeze your glutes at the top. Complete 10 reps and then hold at the bottom in a squat position for 10 seconds on the last rep.


Thrusters with Baby

Difficulty: Intermediate

Description: Hold any sized weight, or if you are comfortable hold your baby under their arms; directly in front of you, they can be facing away or facing you, whichever is more convenient.

Position legs hip length apart and while holding your baby or weight go down into a regular squat. As you press back up through your legs press your baby or weight towards the sky directly in front of you and upwards until your arms are almost completely extended. Bring them back down in front of your chest and repeat the move set.

Try to keep the movement as fluid as possible, remember if at any point your weight OR baby feels too heavy to continue: lessen the weight or opt out of involving your baby during this exercise.

Aerobics Exercises

Heel Lifts Plyo

Dip and Turn (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: none 

-Begin with hands on your hips in a standing position, legs approximately shoulder width apart. 

-Transfer your weight from left to right foot while kicking your heel to your backside every time it leaves the ground.

-Alternate back and forth continuously like jogging in place, but with emphasis on bringing your heel to your backside. 



Woodchop High to Low

Woodchop High to Low (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Band,-If you do not have a band, try this with a jump rope, scarf, or even a tied up blanket. 

-Once band is secured, grab ahold of the end with both hands clasped together. Start with the band high and on the right side of your body overhead. 

-Pull band diagonally across your body downward until you reach the bottom left side near your hip. 

-Do this slow and controlled fighting the resistance of the exercise band. 

-Repeat 10 times

-When finished with one side flip so that you can begin with the band on your upper left side pulling down to your right. 



Step-Up (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: none

-Find a stable box or step at a comfortable height to step onto

-Place it directly in front of you and take about one step back from it. 

-To begin place one foot on the box and push off from the box to pull the other one off the ground. 

-Do not put pressure on the foot off the box simply let it rise to meet the other on the box and set it back down on the ground. 

-Repeat 10 times with one leg before switching to the other side. 


Standing Banded Row

Standing Banded Rows (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Band,-If you do not have a band, try this with a jump rope, scarf, or even a tied up blanket. 

-Start standing shoulder width apart with a slight bend in the knees.

 -Hold onto two ends of the band with both hands. Separate and straighten your arms about shoulder width apart. 

-Slowly and with control pull your arms into your body by bending them and pulling them to your sides. 

-Return your arms to the straightened starting position. 

-Repeat 10 times