

Exercise Classification: Advanced


From a seated position, position your front leg in a 90 degree angle and your back leg in a 90 degree angle. One hip internally rotated and the other hip externally rotated. Engage your glutes and press the knee of your externally rotated leg into the ground, which will drive your hips up and over.


Seated Strict Press

Seated Strict Press (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Dumbbells, or something of similar weight such as soup cans

Begin by sitting on the ground with your legs out in front of you.

Modification: If sitting with legs straight out in front causes low blood pressure, bend knees and place feet flat on ground or sit with legs crossed

-Grab two dumbbells and make a goalpost shape with your arms 

-Slow and controlled push the weights overhead until they reach the top

Modification: Turn palms to face each other if pressing overhead with hands facing forward is uncomfortable

-Carefully lower back down to the goalpost position 

 -Repeat 10 times


Reverse Lunge

Seated Strict Press (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: none

-Standing shoulder width apart, step one leg behind you while at the same time bending your knees

-Go down as far as feels comfortable without your back knee touching the ground

-Keep the knee of your front leg behind your toe when bending 

-Step the back leg back up front to the other leg

-Repeat 10 times 



Seated Strict Press (Exercise Classification: Advanced)

Equipment: none

-Starting on your knees place both hands on the mat in front of you, slightly past shoulder width apart 

 -Bending at the elbows, slowly lower your upper body down towards the mat until your chest just touches the floor

-Push up off the ground and straighten your arms until your back in starting position

-Repeat 10 times 



Exercise Classification: Beginner



Exercise Classification: Intermediate

Position yourself in a pushup position carefully pull one of your legs up and place your shin horizontally in front of your body as straight as possible. You might not be able to rest on the ground in this position completely.

You should support your body with your arms and try to press your midsection as close to the ground as possible.


Pallof Press

Pallof Press (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Band-If you do not have a band, try this with a jump rope, scarf, or even a tied up blanket. 

-Stand with legs shoulder width apart and grab the exercise band with two hands clasped together. 

 -Hold the band your chest with bent arms

-Slowly extend your arms straight in front of you while keeping hands together and around the band 

-Bend your arms back to your chest slowly and with control

-Repeat 10 times 

Aerobics Exercises

Pallof Press with Step

Pallof Press with Step (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Band-If you do not have a band, try this with a jump rope, scarf, or even a tied up blanket. 

Stand with legs shoulder width apart and grab the exercise band with two hands clasped together. 

-Hold the band at your chest with bent arms

-Slowly extend your arms straight in front of you while keeping hands together and around the band

 -While extending your arm step the leg opposite to the band side out to the front, side, and behind you. Alternate each time.

 -Bend your arms back to your chest slowly and with control

-Repeat 10 times 


Monster Walks

Pallof Press with Step (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: none

-Stand shoulder width apart and bend knees until in a crouch position holding your arms at your sides 

-Begin to step to one side with the leading leg and have the other follow a step behind for two steps each

-Once completed step towards the other side so the following leg is now the leading leg 

-Complete steps both directions 10 times 



Exercise Classification: Intermediate

Stand in a relaxed position then take one step forward and dip your entire body down with your back leg bending until your shin is parallel to the ground and your front leg is at a 90 degree angle to the ground.