
Child’s Pose with Thoracic Rotation

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Start by positioning yourself on your hands and knees. Lower yourself to the ground pushing your posterior back and extending your arms forward flush with the ground in front of you.

From there lift one arm and twist your upper body towards to sky towards the lifted arm. Repeat on the other side.

Aerobics Exercises

Box Squat

Exercise Classification: Advanced

Description: Stand directly in front of the corner of a chair or couch. Widen your feet just outside your shoulders.

Sit your hips back and bend your knees to squat to the chair or surface. Your butt should lightly touch the seat (not actually sitting down!) in a controlled motion, and then stand back up.

Think about sitting on a balloon!

Stand all the way up to finish the rep. Squeeze your glutes at the top.

If you cannot squat all the way to the chair, try squatting halfway down, and then stand up.


Bent Over Row

Exercise Classification: Intermediate

  • Stand with one foot in front of the other, with a slight bend in the front knee and the back leg straight.
  • Hold a weight (milk jug, kettle bell) in the hand on the opposite side of the leg that is in front. (Ex: left leg in front, right arm holding kettle bell)
  • Have a slight lean forward, so that your chest is towards the front leg. Bend your elbow to pull the weight up to your hip. You should feel this exercise in the upper arm and shoulder.
  • Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top, and then return to the start by fully straightening the arm.
  • Complete 10 reps on one side before switching arms. Make sure to switch your feet as well!

Banded Pull Apart

Exercise Classification: Intermediate


Holding a towel or an exercise band straight in front of stretch it out several inches until you feel it in your upper back muscles. A towel will not have nearly as much stretch but can still be beneficial.


Good Mornings

Exercise Classification: Intermediate

This exercise is very similar to an RDL (Romanian Deadlift), as they both involve a great stretch of the hamstrings (back side of your thigh).

In the example, a band is used to add resistance, making the exercise more difficult. A small weight or milk jug could also be used to increase difficulty. This exercise can also be done using just body weight.

Position your hands behind your head, and push your hips straight back. Keep your knees almost straight, and back flat. Go down until you feel a stretch your hamstrings, and then squeeze your glutes (butt) to extend your hips on the way back up.

Complete 10 reps.


Banded Face Pull

Exercise Classification: Intermediate


After tying a towel or an exercise band to a sturdy material straighten in front of you until it is taught. Then make sure your arms are fully extended and pull the band towards your chest. You should feel it in your upper back muscles and arms. A towel will not have nearly as much stretch but can still be beneficial.


90/90 to Kneel

Exercise Classification: Intermediate

beginner pregnancy workouts (no equipment)

Seated on the ground, bend one knee in front of your body

Position yourself so your lower leg and knee are resting on the ground. Your leg should form a 90-degree angle, and your ankle should be neutral so your foot is pointing straight out behind you.


Wall Angel

Exercise Classification: Intermediate

Make sure ribs are down not flaring and out. Make sure your back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and backs of hands are flat against the wall. Glide arms overhead in snow angel fashion keeping all points of contact with the wall. Go as far as your current mobility allows then return to start.


Step-Ups Lateral

Exercise Classification: Intermediate

Stand beside the step you will be stepping up onto. Instead of facing the step stand beside it and take a step up onto the step horizontally with the foot closest.


Bridging Variations

Exercise Classification: Intermediate

Frog Bridge
  • Start laying on your back with your feet together, knees apart, and arms resting at your sides.
  • Take a normal breathe in through your nose then, as you exhale normally through your nose or pursed lip, press your hips up towards the ceiling and the bottoms of your feet together. You can hold at the top for 3 to 5 seconds or come right back down.
  • Repeat.
  • To make this harder: bend the elbows so only the top of your arms are touching the group.
  • To make this even harder: straight your arms up towards the ceiling so they are not touching the floor at all.
Double Leg Bridge with Alternating Marching: Hip bend more than 90 degrees.
  • Start laying on your back with your arms resting at your sides and feet flat on the floor about hip distance apart.
  • Take a normal breathe in through your nose.
  • Squeeze your bottom as you push your hips towards the ceiling and gently exhale (through nose or pursed lips).
  • Hold the top position and march one knee and hip up past 90 degrees (closer to your chest). To make this harder, only lift to 90 degrees NOT PAST 90 degrees.
  • Put that foot down as you take a breathe in.
  • Repeat on the other leg as you exhale.
  • Return your bottom to the ground.
  • If you can easily do 10 of these without rest, try to string 4 or 6 marches together before letting your bottom touch back down to the ground.