Aerobics Exercises

Cross Country Skier

Exercise Classification: Intermediate

The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.

Safety tips:

  • Always warm up by walking in place for several minutes.
  • Perform you exercises on supportive flooring with plenty of room to move.
  • Wear athletic shoes and avoid working out on thick carpet that can make movement difficult.
  • Don’t push to the point of exhaustion­–take a rest if you start to feel out of breath or overheated.
  • As your pregnancy progresses, modify the exercises as suggested for comfort and safety, and avoid any exercise that makes your feel unsteady or causes discomfort.
  • Do not do this exercise if you have pain in the front of your pelvic bone.


  • Start in a standing position with your arms at your side.
  • Lunge forward on your right leg with your left leg extending behind you and bring your left arm in front of you as you extend your right arm back.
  • Press back with your right leg and switch sides with your left leg forward in a lunge with right leg behind and left arm in front.
  • Try to maintain a fluid “sliding” motion as you switch legs from front to back.
  • Avoid dipping too deep—just slightly bend your knees, and if you have walking poles you can use them to help with balance and add more arm work.

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Aerobics Exercises

Side Steps

Exercise Classification: Beginner

The following exercise helps strengthen muscles and the cardiovascular system. Start with one set for 10 reps(that is, do the exercise 10 times in a row). You can build up slowly to 4 or more sets. You can also combine this exercise with other exercises in the app to create a workout that will challenge the entire body!

Safety tips:

  • Always warm up by walking in place for several minutes.
  • Perform you exercises on supportive flooring with plenty of room to move.
  • Wear athletic shoes and avoid working out on thick carpet that can make movement difficult.
  • Don’t push to the point of exhaustion­–take a rest if you start to feel out of breath or overheated.
  • As your pregnancy progresses, modify the exercises as suggested for comfort and safety, and avoid any exercise that makes your feel unsteady or causes discomfort.


This exercise works your thighs and also improves balance.

  • Start with your feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent.
  • Lean forward a few inches and clasp your hands in front of you.
  • Sidestep by pushing off and crab stepping to the side for five to ten steps.
  • Switch direction for five to ten steps.

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Aerobics Exercises

Bottom Kicks

Exercise Classification: Beginner

The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.

Safety tips:

  • Always warm up by walking in place for several minutes.
  • Perform you exercises on supportive flooring with plenty of room to move.
  • Wear athletic shoes and avoid working out on thick carpet that can make movement difficult.
  • Don’t push to the point of exhaustion­–take a rest if you start to feel out of breath or overheated.
  • As your pregnancy progresses, modify the exercises as suggested for comfort and safety, and avoid any exercise that makes your feel unsteady or causes discomfort.


  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and arms extended in front of your body.
  • Lift one foot behind you towards your gluts (bottom) and quickly switch to your other foot.
  • Try to maintain a rapid pace as you switch legs.
  • You can increase the intensity by pumping your arms as you lift each foot or by using hand weights.

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Knee to Elbow Reach

Exercise Classification: Beginner

The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.

Safety tips:

  • Always warm up by walking in place for several minutes.
  • Perform you exercises on supportive flooring with plenty of room to move.
  • Wear athletic shoes and avoid working out on thick carpet that can make movement difficult.
  • Don’t push to the point of exhaustion­–take a rest if you start to feel out of breath or overheated.
  • As your pregnancy progresses, modify the exercises as suggested for comfort and safety, and avoid any exercise that makes your feel unsteady or causes discomfort.


  • Begin in a standing position with your legs slightly apart and hands resting behind your head with elbows out to the side.
  • Raise your left knee as twist your right elbow to your raised knee.
  • If the twisting motion becomes difficult later in pregnancy, just raise your knee in front of you as you raise your arms to the side with each knee raise.

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Week 11, Day 3


3 min: Breathing

3 rounds:
5 per side shinbox

10 downward dog pedal out


3 rounds:
9 per side pallof press with step

8 per side half kneel elbow to knee

Kettlebell Deadlift

3 rounds, 9 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds between rounds


3 rounds:
8 per side reverse lunge

8 pushup

10 per side lateral pull thru


2 rounds:
8 per side death march

10 hamstring curl

30 seconds per side thoracic rotation

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Week 11, Day 2


3 min: Breathing

3 rounds:
5 per side 90/90 to kneel

8 inchworm


3 rounds:
8 per side bird dog

Dumbbell Strict Press

3 rounds, 9 reps
Rest 60 seconds between rounds


3 rounds:
10 air squat

12 standing band row

8 per side lateral step up


2 rounds:
10 band pull aparts

10 band face pulls


5 reps child’s pose to cat cow

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Week 11, Day 1


3 min: Breathing

3 rounds:
5 per side shinbox

8 per side child’s pose thoracic rotation


3 rounds:
8 per side woodchop low to high

8 per side lateral pull thru


3 rounds, 9 per side
Rest 60 seconds between rounds


3 rounds:
10 kettlebell deadlift

8 pushup

8 per side dumbbell bent over row


2 rounds:
10 glute bridge

6 per side hip flexor march

5 per side adductor rock back

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Week 10, Day 3


3 min: Breathing

3 rounds:
5 per side adductor rock back

10 downward dog pedal out


3 rounds:
10 straight arm pull down

5 per side bird dog

Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift

3 rounds, 9 reps
Rest 60 seconds between rounds


3 rounds:
12 air squat

8 push up

10 standing band row


2 rounds:
8 per side fire hydrant

6 per side hip flexor march

30 seconds per side pigeon

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Week 10, Day 2


3 min: Breathing

3 rounds:
5 per side shinbox

8 per side shoulder tap


3 rounds:
8 per side woodchop high to low

8 per side pallof press with step

Floor Press

3 rounds, 9 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds between rounds


3 rounds:
8 per side bent over row

8 per side reverse lunge

10 kettlebell deadlift


2 rounds:
8 wall angel

10 tricep pull down

30 seconds per side thoracic rotation

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Week 10, Day 1


3 min: Breathing

3 rounds:
5 per side 90/90 to kneel

8 per side child’s pose thoracic rotation


3 rounds:
8 per side lateral pull thru

8 per side half kneel elbow to knee

Goblet Squat

3 rounds, 9 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds between rounds


3 rounds:
8 per side dumbbell strict press

10 per side lateral pull thru

8 per side lateral step up


2 rounds:
10 glute bridge

10 per leg hip hurdle

2 min prone

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