
Ball and Baby Balance Builder (Modified)

(Difficulty: Intermediate)


Place yoga ball right at the center of your hips and belly, with your feet on the floor behind you. Your baby can participate as well!! Have your child laying right in front of you on the ground.

Roll forward a bit so that your hands and feet can be on the ground at the same time, with the ball supporting you in a position similar to a plank. Reach one arm in the air, leaving the other 3 limbs on the ground. Hold for 5-10 seconds, and then do the same on the opposite arm.
Return arm to the ground, now lift one leg in the air. Repeat same sequence for one leg at a time. Hold for 5-10 seconds on each limb.


Ball and Baby Back Extension

Equipment: yoga ball

Difficulty: Intermediate

Place yoga ball right at the center of your hips and belly, with your feet on the floor behind you. Your baby can participate as well!! Have your child laying right in front of you on the ground.

Cross your arms in front of your body. Roll back on the ball so that only your chest is off the ball.

Lift your chest up as far as you can, trying to arch your upper back. Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top, then control the motion back down.
Complete 10 reps.


Hip external rotation at the wall with hip in neutral

Difficulty: Beginner

Stand up against a wall with knee closest to the wall bent at a 90-degree angle behind you.

Keeping the outside of your upper leg (thigh) against the wall, lift your foot off the wall as far as you can without leaning over (think about standing tall).

Return to starting position.

Complete 10 reps.


Hip External Rotation (At the wall, with Hip Flexed)

Difficulty: Beginner

Stand up against a wall with the hip and knee closest to the wall bent at 90 degree angles in front of you.

Keeping the outside of your upper leg (thigh) against the wall, lift your foot off the wall as far as you can without leaning over (think about standing tall). Return to starting position. 


Supported Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

(Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate)


Start with one foot slightly in front of the other with the back heel lifted but toes on the ground.

As you hinge forward at the hips, lift the back leg up keeping it straight behind you….

You should feel this in the back of your leg that is forward (working leg).

The muscles in this area are the hamstrings and gluteals.


Bicycle Kick

(Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate)


– Lie flat on your back with your legs straight, and your head and neck lifted slightly off the ground
– Place both hands behind your head or near the base of your neck
– Raise your right knee up, and rotate your left elbow to reach towards this leg.
– Switch sides by straightening the right leg, and then reaching towards the left side and bending your left knee up
– Repeat 10 reps on each side.


Supported Reverse Lunge + Pushup

(Difficulty: Intermediate)


This exercise is best done with your hands on the edge of a counter top.

Step back with one leg to do a reverse lunge, dropping the back knee almost to the ground. Bring the back leg back to the starting position and stand all the way up.
Repeat on the opposite leg, completing a reverse lunge on each leg.

With the hands still on the counter top, do one Incline Pushup. Bend the elbows to lower your chest to the counter, and then press up.

Lung-Lunge-Pushup. This is one rep. Great total body exercise!


Glute Bridge March

(Difficulty: Intermediate)


Start on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor.

Press through your heels to raise your hips, performing a glute bridge.

From here, lift one foot off the ground, bringing your knee towards your chest. Lower the foot, and do the same on the opposite side, just like a march.

Squeeze your glutes to keep your hips in the air for the entirety of the reps. Complete 10 reps on each side.

Modification: If you get dizzy while lying flat on your back, place a few pillows behind your head, neck and upper back so that you are lying on an incline.


Paused Mountain Climbers

Difficulty: Advanced

Holding a plank position with hands under shoulders, keep the core tight and drive one knee towards the same side elbow.

Instead of rapidly switching foot position like a traditional mountain climber, this should be a controlled movement to target the core and hip flexor muscles.


Standard Warm Up

Before any of our suggested workouts or building your own from our library of exercises, do this quick whole-body 5 minute warm-up!

Note: This counts as part of your total exercise minutes for the week!