
Upright Row and Overhead Press

Difficulty: Intermediate


Hold your weights, in front of you, standing straight with your feet underneath your hips and your toes facing forward. Rest your arms along the front of your body until the dumbbells are in front of your thighs.

Face your palms toward your body. Raise the dumbbells to your chest. Keep the weights close to your body. Turn your elbows lower than your hands as you rotate your palms to face outward. Straighten your arms overhead then return to the original position.


Table Top Bird Dog

(Difficulty: Intermediate)


Begin on all fours, knees planted directly below the waist and hands planted directly below the shoulders.

Carefully extend your left back leg behind you and simultaneously extend your right arm in front of you.

Pull them back to the starting position and do the same for the opposite leg and arm.


Single Arm Elevated Pushup from Knee

(Difficulty: Intermediate)


Start in a kneeling pushup position, and place one hand on an elevated surface such as a stair step, stack of books, or basketball.

Control the motion of bending your elbows to lower your upper body to the level of the elevated surface. Keep the core tight to remain balanced.

Complete 5 reps on one side, and then switch to complete on the opposite side. Total of 10 reps.


Hip Rotation at Wall with Leg in Front

Difficulty: Intermediate



Hip Rotation at Wall with Leg in Back

Difficulty: Intermediate



High Knee Run in Place

(Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate)


  • Lift one knee up in the air, foot flexed up. The opposite leg should be straight on the ground
  • Switch your feet in a motion similar to running in place. Try to bring your knee all the way up to 90 degrees with each step
  • Remain in the same place throughout the exercise
  • complete 15 reps on each side, or about 15 seconds
  • ** Hands can be placed on hips, out in front, or swinging back and fourth in a running motion

Modification: instead of switching your feet in a running motion, drive one knee up at a time like a march.


Glute Bridge Walk Out

(Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate)


  • From a regular glute bridge starting position, on your back, push your hips up in the air.
  • Holding this position, walk your feet out further from your body in small steps, taking 3-4 total steps. Then, walk your feet back under your hips.
  • Keep your hips off the ground throughout the entire exercise. Repeat for 10 reps.

Glute Bridge Progression

(Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate)


Assume the position of a normal glute bridge. Then make sure to hold your arms straight above your body. Squeeze your glutes at the top for a couple of seconds then release.

needs description

Ball and Baby Pushup

(Difficulty: Intermediate)

equipment: yoga ball



Ball and Baby Balance Builder

(Difficulty: Intermediate)


Place yoga ball right at the center of your hips and belly, with your feet on the floor behind you. Your baby can participate as well!! Have your child laying right in front of you on the ground.

Hold a position to a plank, with hands and feet on the ground at the same time. Have the ball support your hips and abdomen.

Reach one arm up in the air, while reaching the opposite leg in the air. For example, you would only have your left arm and right leg on the ground, with the other limbs in the air. Hold for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the ground. Repeat with the opposite side.

Complete 10 reps on each side.