
Plank Shoulder Tap & Kneeling Pushup

(Difficulty: Advanced)


  • Start on your hands and knees. Walk your hands forward so that you are in a kneeling pushup position. Your knees should be on the ground, and your feet can come in the air.
  • Reach one arm across to touch the opposite shoulder, then place it back on the ground. Repeat on the opposite side, making sure to keep your body from rotating too far toward one side or the other
  • After doing a shoulder tap on each side, complete one pushup (from the same kneeling position). Bend your elbows and keep your back flat throughout the motion.
  • Complete these reps in this pattern (shoulder tap, shoulder tap, pushup) for 5-10 reps

Isometric Side Adductor Bridge

Difficulty: Advanced


  • Lie on your side with your knees bent. Use your elbow to support your upper body, while your hip and lower body remain on the ground.
  • Tighten your core, and push off the outside of your bottom leg to lift your hips off the ground. Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top, and then lower back to the ground.
  • Complete 10 reps on one side before switching sides.

High Knee Run in Place

(Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate)


  • Lift one knee up in the air, foot flexed up. The opposite leg should be straight on the ground
  • Switch your feet in a motion similar to running in place. Try to bring your knee all the way up to 90 degrees with each step
  • Remain in the same place throughout the exercise
  • complete 15 reps on each side, or about 15 seconds
  • ** Hands can be placed on hips, out in front, or swinging back and fourth in a running motion

Modification: instead of switching your feet in a running motion, drive one knee up at a time like a march.

Aerobics Exercises

High Knee Run in Place (Modification)

Difficulty: Beginner


  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Lift one knee up, with the knee bent at 90 degrees and your thigh parallel to the floor
  • Lower the foot back down, and then lift the opposite foot up, in a marching pattern
  • *** Hands can be on the hips, out in front, or swinging back and forth in a running motion.

Glute Bridge Walk Out

(Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate)


  • From a regular glute bridge starting position, on your back, push your hips up in the air.
  • Holding this position, walk your feet out further from your body in small steps, taking 3-4 total steps. Then, walk your feet back under your hips.
  • Keep your hips off the ground throughout the entire exercise. Repeat for 10 reps.

Donkey Kicks

Difficulty: Beginner

Start on your hands and knees, with your hands directly under your shoulders and back flat.. Keeping your core tight, lift one foot off the ground and reach straight backwards. Reach as far as you can, squeezing your glutes at the top, and keep your knee bent throughout the movement. Lower it back down, bringing your knee all the way back underneath your hips


Back Elevated Hip Thrust

(Difficulty: Beginner)


Sit on the floor with your upper back against a couch or chair and knees bent.

Push through the floor to raise your hips off the ground, holding for 2-3 seconds at the top, and then lower back to the ground.


Alternating Hammer Curl

(Difficulty: Beginner)


  • Hold a light weight in each hand. Perform a bicep curl with one hand, but keep your arm rotated so that your palm is facing in, like you are giving someone a thumbs up.
  • Bend only at the elbow, and then lower back to your side.
  • Repeat on the opposite side. Complete 10 reps on each arm.

1.5 Squat

(Difficulty: Beginner)


  • Squat down as far as possible, stand up halfway, and then squat back down again.
  • From here, now stand all the way up, completing “1.5” reps.
  • Repeat this 10 times

Jog Walk Intervals

(Difficulty: Beginner)


Start a timer for 30 seconds. Try to keep moving for the entire 30 seconds at a comfortable pace.


  • If you have open space, take off on a jog in the same direction for 15 seconds. At the fifteen-second mark, turn around and walk back to the start. Repeat this 2 times for a total of 30 seconds of jogging
  • Jog laps around your kitchen table or your front yard, or even continuously in place! Feel free to get creative
  • You may slow down or stop to walk during this interval, however, try to build up to being able to complete the entire thirty seconds without stopping.