

Airplanes (Exercise classification: advanced)

Equipment: none

  • Start standing with feet together
  • Bend forward at the hips as you lift one leg behind you and bring your arms straight out to the sides as if making a “T”. Your hip bones should be facing the floor.
  • Exercise 1: If this is hard, try to hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. To make it easier, stand with a wall or chair to one side of you for light finger tip touch support.
  • Exercise 2: If you can balance in this position, bring one arm down and in front of you with your fingertips facing the floor and elbow straight. Return that arm to the starting position. Now try the other arm. If alternating is too challenging, try a few repetitions on one side, rest, then try the other side.
  • Remember to breathe throughout the exercise.
  • Have some fun! Try this with your belly relaxed and with your belly muscles tightened at a 50% effort.

Standing Hip Rotation at the Wall

Standing Hip Rotation at Wall (exercise classification:advanced)

Equipment: none

  • Start by standing very close to wall
  • You can then either…
    • Keep your hip underneath you (neutral or not bent) and bend your knee that is closest to the wall to a 90 degree angle
    • Bend your hip and knee of the leg closest to the wall 90 degrees (HARDER)
  • IF you want to work on mobility & flexibility:
    • Keep your hip bones facing forwards and outside of your thigh touching the wall
    • Slowly move your foot away from the wall, moving from the hip socket (not your whole pelvis), then bring it back to touch the wall
  • IF you want to work on strength:
    • Push your foot and the outside of your lower leg into the wall as if you were trying to push “through” the wall as you stand tall and hold for 3-5 seconds then relax. The outside of your thigh should touch the wall the entire time.
    • Try not to let your back round or arch excessively as you do this.
    • Breathe throughout the entire hold.

Hip Rotation Progression

Exercise Classification: Beginner (video 1, 2, & 3), Intermediate (video 4), Advanced (video 5, 6, & 7)

Video 1: Prone Heel Press
Video 2: Prone Hip External and Internal Rotation Range of Motion Control
Video 3: Supine Hip External and Internal Rotation Range of Motion with 1 Leg
Video 4: Seated Hip External and Internal Rotation Range of Motion and Control
Video 5: Standing Hip Internal Rotation Isometric or External Rotation Range of Motion at the Wall with hip neutral and knee bend 90 degrees
Video 6: Standing Hip Internal Rotation Isometric Or External Rotation Range of Motion at the Wall with Hip Bent to 90 degrees
Video 7: Standing Side Lunge with a Trunk Twist (loaded hip rotation)


Supine Knee and Arm Extension with Band

Supine Knee and Arm extension with Band (Exercise Classification: Advanced)

  • Lay on your back a comfortable surface with knees bent.
  • Grasp a resistance band between your hands and raise your arms up at shoulder height.
  • Bring your knees up to a 90-degree position.
  • At the same time, extend your right leg until parallel with the floor as you scissor your left arm overhead and right arm pulling down towards your left leg.
  • Switch sides and make the same motion.
  • Do this exercise slowly, using a count of three as you extend and return to the start position.
  • Remember to exhale as you extend and inhale as you return to the start position.

Modified Version


You can rest one foot on the ground (shown below) or a couch (not shown) with your knee bent as you extend the opposite leg.

If you have a difficult time with the arm movements, lengthen the band’s distance between your hands.


You can increase the difficulty of the exercise by shortening the band length to create more tension.

Slow the repetition to a count of five and hold for several seconds as the leg is extended.


Seated Roll Back

Seated Roll Back (Exercise Classification: Intermediate/Advanced)

  • Sit on a comfortable surface with your knees bents, feet resting on the surface, and back straight.
  • Extend your arms out in front of you at shoulder height.
  • Take a breath and exhale as you slowly lean back until you feel your tummy tighten. Keep breathing normally as you hold for a count of five seconds.
  • Avoid leaning back to the point where you feel your tummy or back strain–you should feel a slight tightening or pulling-in sensation at the front of your abdomen as you do this exercise.
  • Slowly return to sitting position.
  • Repeat 5-10 repetitions.


Place pillows or a thick rolled towel behind you to help limit how far you go down and support you at the hardest point in the movement.


Dip and Turn

Dip and Turn (Exercise Classification: Advanced)

  • Stand with your arms out in front of you at should level as you hold a resistance band between your hands.
  • Step forward on one leg and then dip down to 90 degrees on that leg as you dip the opposite leg knee to the floor.
  • Twist to one side bring your arms fully to your side.
  • Return to start position and repeat on the other side, 10-12 repetitions on each side.
  • Remember to breathe during the exercise.


You can increase or decrease the difficulty of this exercise by shortening or lengthening the distance of the band between your hands. If you have trouble dipping down to 90 degrees, you can decrease how far you dip your front knee down.


Ball Sit Overhead Reach with Band

Ball Sit with Overhead Reach with Band (Exercise Classification: Advanced)

  • Sit on a large exercise ball with your feet resting on the floor. There should be a 90 degree bend in your hips and knees (video demonstrates angles larger than 90 degrees. This can be fixed by getting a bigger ball.)
  • Place a resistance band underneath each foot and grasp the ends of the band in each hand. There should be slight resistance as you sit upright from the band. Adjust the length if it feels too slack or too tight.
  • Take a breath and exhale as you slowly raise the band upward as your count to five and contract your abdominal muscles as you lift.
  • Slowly return back to the start position as you count to five.
  • Focus on a slow, controlled motion as you lift to engage your abdominal muscles.
  • Repeat for 10-12 repetitions.


You can increase or decrease the difficulty of this exercise by shortening or lengthening the distance of the band between your feet and your hands.

Aerobics Exercises

Power Squats

Power Squat (Exercise Classification: Advanced)

The following exercise helps strengthen muscles and the cardiovascular system. Start with one set of each exercise for 10 reps(that is, do the exercise 10 times in a row). You can build up slowly to 4 or more sets. You can also combine this exercise with other exercises in the app to create a workout that will challenge the entire body!

Safety tips:

  • Always warm up by walking in place for several minutes.
  • Perform you exercises on supportive flooring with plenty of room to move.
  • Wear athletic shoes and avoid working out on thick carpet that can make movement difficult.
  • Don’t push to the point of exhaustion­–take a rest if you start to feel out of breath or overheated.
  • As your pregnancy progresses, modify the exercises as suggested for comfort and safety, and avoid any exercise that makes your feel unsteady or causes discomfort.


This will be similar to a regular squat except for that you can move a little faster, reduce the depth of the squat, and if you wanted to make it a little bit harder, add a small jump to the end of the movement. You can modify by keeping both feet on the ground at all times.

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Aerobics Exercises

Plank Jumping Jack

Exercise Classification: Advanced

The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.

Safety tips:

  • Always warm up by walking in place for several minutes.
  • Perform you exercises on supportive flooring with plenty of room to move.
  • Wear athletic shoes and avoid working out on thick carpet that can make movement difficult.
  • Don’t push to the point of exhaustion­–take a rest if you start to feel out of breath or overheated.
  • As your pregnancy progresses, modify the exercises as suggested for comfort and safety, and avoid any exercise that makes your feel unsteady or causes discomfort.


  • Start in plank position with your hands below your shoulder and body straight and legs extending behind you.
  • Keep your hands in position as you do a jumping jack with your legs extending out the side and then back to start position.
  • You can modify the position for wrist comfort by resting on your elbows instead of wrist.
  • If jumping feels uncomfortable, you can modify by stepping one foot out to the side and then the other followed by stepping one foot back in and then the other.

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Aerobics Exercises

Plank Knee Raise

Difficulty: Advanced

The following exercise effectively build cardiovascular and muscles strength, and you can build a routine of a circuit by doing one set of each exercise for 10-12 reps, building slowly to five or more sets.

Safety tips:

  • Always warm up by walking in place for several minutes.
  • Perform you exercises on supportive flooring with plenty of room to move.
  • Wear athletic shoes and avoid working out on thick carpet that can make movement difficult.
  • Don’t push to the point of exhaustion­–take a rest if you start to feel out of breath or overheated.
  • As your pregnancy progresses, modify the exercises as suggested for comfort and safety, and avoid any exercise that makes your feel unsteady or causes discomfort.


This exercise is a full body workout, so build your time and pace slowly.

  • Start in a plank position with your hands below your shoulders, body straight and legs extending behind you.
  • Bring one knee to your chest and then switch to the opposite knee.
  • Maintain a quick pace and if your hands are uncomfortable in a flat palm position, make a fist instead so you avoid extending your wrist or grasp hands weights and balance on them.
  • Modification: To make this easier, place your hands on a sturdy couch, chair, counter, or wall. The higher your hands, the easier the exercise.

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