
Dip and Turn

Dip and Turn (Exercise Classification: Intermediate/Advanced)

Equipment: none

  • In a standing position extend one leg behind your body and with your toes supporting the leg
  • Bring your arms out straight in front of you
  • Slowly dip down, kneeling on the back leg and with the other knee bent in front with foot resting on floor.
  • Twist your head, arms, and torso to one side then return to center.
  • Return to start position and repeat 10-12 repetitions each side.
Aerobics Exercises

Cardio Squat with Hop

Cardio squat with Hop (Exercise Classification: Advanced)

Equipment: none 

-Begin standing legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart. 

-When ready, bend your knees and squat downward, bringing your bottomtowards the ground. 

-Once your legs are parallel to the ground,push up off the ground letting your feet leave the surface allowing jump to occur. 

-When you land, bend your knees, squat again and repeat the process. 

-You may find yourself bringing your arms to your chest on the squat and using them to swing down during the jump for an extra push. 

-Repeat 10 times


Woodchop Low to High

Woodchop Low to High  (Exercise Classification: Intermediate/Advanced)

Equipment: Band, -If you do not have a band, try this with a jump rope, scarf, or even a tied up blanket. 

-Once band is secured, grab ahold of the end with both hands clasped together. Start with the band low and on the right side of your body near your hip. 

-Pull band diagonally upward across your body until you reach the top left side overhead. 

-Do this slow and controlled fighting the resistance of the exercise band. 

-Repeat 10 times

-When finished with one side flip so that you can begin with the band on your lower left side pulling to up your right. 


Step-Up Slow Lower

Exercise Classification: Advanced

Description: Perform this exercise on a block or staircase, step up as usual with one leg, and before stepping up completely with the other let it dangle behind just above the ground. Slowly and gently lower the dangling foot back down to the ground while squeezing your other quad muscle in a controlled slow movement. Switch legs and repeat.


Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift

Exercise Classification: Advanced


  • Start standing with your feet outside your shoulders. Lift one leg off the ground.
  • Another option is to stand with a leg positioned slightly bent behind the foot staggerstanced (B-stance)
  • Hold a weight of your choice (kettlebell, dumbbell, gallon of milk, etc) in your hands with your arms straight
  • Keeping a soft bend in your knees, hinge forward from your hips as you lower the weight as if trying to touch the ground. Keep the weight as close to you as possible.
  • Push your heels through the ground as you stand back up. 


Exercise Classification: Advanced


From a seated position, position your front leg in a 90 degree angle and your back leg in a 90 degree angle. One hip internally rotated and the other hip externally rotated. Engage your glutes and press the knee of your externally rotated leg into the ground, which will drive your hips up and over.



Seated Strict Press (Exercise Classification: Advanced)

Equipment: none

-Starting on your knees place both hands on the mat in front of you, slightly past shoulder width apart 

 -Bending at the elbows, slowly lower your upper body down towards the mat until your chest just touches the floor

-Push up off the ground and straighten your arms until your back in starting position

-Repeat 10 times 



Exercise Classification: Advanced


Half Kneel Elbow to Knee

Exercise Classification: Advanced


Goblet Squat

Exercise Classification: Advanced


You can either choose to use a weight or not. Hold your hands or weight in your hands directly in front of your chest. Spread your legs slightly and push your behind back as you bend your knees.

Press down into a full squat and then back up.