Full Length Pregnancy Videos
First Trimester:
Second Trimester:
Third Trimester:
Full Length Postpartum Videos
Week 32, Day 3
This is the first day of the 29th week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy Workouts.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!
Standard Warm Up
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
1 | Front Foot Elevated Lunge | 10 each side |
2 | Plank Saw | 10 reps |
3 | Bodyweight Squat + Calf Raise | 10 reps |
4 | Heel Lifts | 10 each side |
5 | Shoulder Shrug | 10 reps |
6 | Milk Jug/ Kettle Bell Rotational Chop Low to High | 10 each side |
7 | Crab Walk +Leg Kick | 10 each side |
10 reps each side
- Find a low step, and stand 2-3 feet behind it facing the step.
- Just like a normal walking lunge, reach forward with one leg to take a longer step, with the front foot landing on the stair. The elevation of the front foot should make the movement easier than a regular lunge
- Lower the back knee down, and then push off of the step to bring the front foot back to starting position.
10 reps
- Start in a normal plank position. Keeping your back flat, slowly rock your shoulderers forwards and back, just like your body is functioning as a jig saw.
- Make small movements, and keep your core tight throughout the movement.
3. Body Weight Squat + Calf Raise
10 reps
- Stand with feet just wider than shoulder width, hands positioned at the chest. Bend your knees and sit your hips back, just like sitting in a chair.
- Keep your chest tall. Hold at the bottom of the squat for 1-2 seconds, and then stand all the way back up.
- Use a countertop of chair for support if needed.
- When standing up, extend all the way up on your toes to do a calf raise in between each squat
10 reps each side
- Begin with hands on your hips in a standing position, legs approximately shoulder width apart.
- Transfer your weight from left to right foot while kicking your heel to your backside every time it leaves the ground.
- Alternate back and forth continuously like jogging in place, but with emphasis on bringing your heel to your backside.
10 reps
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms hanging loosely at the sides.
- Position your head so that your ear lobes are in line with shoulders and hips.
- Raise the shoulders slightly into a shrug and then lower back down to start position.
6. Milk Jug/ Kettle Bell Rotational Chop Low to High
10 reps each side
- Start in a half kneeling position with one knee on the ground.
- Holding a light weight or object in both hands, start with both arms straight near the leg that is down.
- Lift the weight up above your head in a diagonal line, so that it finished above the knee that is in the air.
- Lower back to the start.
10 reps each side
- Start in a seated position on the floor. Reach both hands behind your shoulders, with arms straight and knees bent. Raise your hips slightly off the ground in a crab walk position.
- From here, kick your right foot in the air, keeping your core tight.
- Return the foot on the ground, and then repeat on the opposite side.
Looking for more? Here are some quick add ons to wrap up the workout. Great work!
Cool Down
- Cool Down Stretch and Mobility Routine
- 5 minute yoga and meditation
- 15-30 Minute walk
Congrats on finishing day 1!! We are proud of you for prioritizing your fitness for the betterment of your health throughout this pregnancy journey.
Week 39, Day 3
This is the 36th week of programmed workouts with the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!
Standard Warm Up
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
1 | Supported Lateral lunge | 10 each side |
2 | Glute Bridge Walk Out | 10 reps |
3 | Side Lying Abductor Lift | 10 each side |
4 | Bird Dogs arms Only | 10 reps each side |
5 | Plie Squat | 10 reps |
6 | Cross Country Skier | 10 reps each side |
7 | Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise | 10 reps |
8 | ball and baby knee rolls | 5-10 each side |
5-10 reps each side
- Start facing a wall or countertop with hands resting on the surface for balance support.
- Take a big step out to one side. Bend the knee of the stepping foot as you sit your hips back as if trying to sit in a chair. Keep the opposite leg straight.
- Return to the starting position then repeat going to the other side.
10 reps
- From a regular glute bridge starting position, on your back, push your hips up in the air.
- Holding this position, walk your feet out further from your body in small steps, taking 3-4 total steps. Then, walk your feet back under your hips.
- Keep your hips off the ground throughout the entire exercise. Repeat for 10 reps.
10 reps each side
- Lay on side with lower arm supporting head, upper arm in front for balance and legs straight in line with body. Slightly bend upper leg knee and squeeze glutes (bottom) as you bring leg back behind body and hold for several seconds.
- Slowly raise the upper leg above hip level and return to start position.
- Keep your hips stacked on top of each other as you do this.
- Repeat on opposite side.
Modification: If you are having trouble balancing in this position, bend your bottom hip and knee up a little. If you find yourself rolling backwards, do this next to wall with the wall behind you to help keep your from rolling backwards.
10 reps each side
- Assume a position on all fours so that your knees are directly under your hips and hands are directly under your shoulders.
- Make sure your spine is in a neutral position. You do not want to have your back sagging or arching.
- Lift right arm until it parallel to the floor without any tilting at the shoulders- both shoulders should stay parallel to the floor.
- Gently lower arm back to your starting position and repeat with the other arm.
5. Plie Squat
10 reps
- Start with your feet about shoulder width apart. This should be sightly closer than your normal squat position.
- Bend your knees to squat down about half way. Your knees should move out wide, away from the body.
- As you reach the partial squat position, hold the ball in front of your belly.
- Plie by raising your body up and raising ball overhead and until your legs are straight.
10 reps each side
- Start in a standing position with your arms at your side.
- Lunge forward on your right leg with your left leg extending behind you and bring your left arm in front of you as you extend your right arm back.
- Press back with your right leg and switch sides with your left leg forward in a lunge with right leg behind and left arm in front.
- Try to maintain a fluid “sliding” motion as you switch legs from front to back.
- Avoid dipping too deep—just slightly bend your knees, and if you have walking poles you can use them to help with balance and add more arm work.
7. Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise
10 reps
- Raise arms straight out in front, until shoulder height, and then lower back to your sides.
- Raise straight out to the sides of your body, making a T shape, untill your arms are even with your shoulders, and then lower to the sides of your body.
- Repeat these movements in an alternating pattern, 10 times each.
5-10 reps each side
- Lie flat on your back, and place your feet on top of the yoga ball. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle, and the entire back of your thigh and leg should be in contact with the ball.
- *Your baby can participate too! Have your child resting in the crease of your hip, straddling your belly.
Your hands can be up to support your child in place, or you can have them simply at your sides - With your feet on the ball, roll your knees to one side, untill your thigh touches the grass. Use your core and hip flexor muscles to lift your legs back up to the starting position
- Repeat on the opposite side, completing 5-10 reps on each side in an alternating pattern.
Week 38, Day 3
This is the 35th week of programmed workouts with the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!
Standard Warm Up
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
1 | Supported Lateral lunge | 10 each side |
2 | Glute Bridge Walk Out | 10 reps |
3 | Side Lying Abductor Lift | 10 each side |
4 | Bird Dogs arms Only | 10 reps each side |
5 | Plie Squat | 10 reps |
6 | Cross Country Skier | 10 reps each side |
7 | Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise | 10 reps |
8 | ball and baby knee rolls | 5-10 each side |
5-10 reps each side
- Start facing a wall or countertop with hands resting on the surface for balance support.
- Take a big step out to one side. Bend the knee of the stepping foot as you sit your hips back as if trying to sit in a chair. Keep the opposite leg straight.
- Return to the starting position then repeat going to the other side.
10 reps
- From a regular glute bridge starting position, on your back, push your hips up in the air.
- Holding this position, walk your feet out further from your body in small steps, taking 3-4 total steps. Then, walk your feet back under your hips.
- Keep your hips off the ground throughout the entire exercise. Repeat for 10 reps.
10 reps each side
- Lay on side with lower arm supporting head, upper arm in front for balance and legs straight in line with body. Slightly bend upper leg knee and squeeze glutes (bottom) as you bring leg back behind body and hold for several seconds.
- Slowly raise the upper leg above hip level and return to start position.
- Keep your hips stacked on top of each other as you do this.
- Repeat on opposite side.
Modification: If you are having trouble balancing in this position, bend your bottom hip and knee up a little. If you find yourself rolling backwards, do this next to wall with the wall behind you to help keep your from rolling backwards.
10 reps each side
- Assume a position on all fours so that your knees are directly under your hips and hands are directly under your shoulders.
- Make sure your spine is in a neutral position. You do not want to have your back sagging or arching.
- Lift right arm until it parallel to the floor without any tilting at the shoulders- both shoulders should stay parallel to the floor.
- Gently lower arm back to your starting position and repeat with the other arm.
5. Plie Squat
10 reps
- Start with your feet about shoulder width apart. This should be sightly closer than your normal squat position.
- Bend your knees to squat down about half way. Your knees should move out wide, away from the body.
- As you reach the partial squat position, hold the ball in front of your belly.
- Plie by raising your body up and raising ball overhead and until your legs are straight.
10 reps each side
- Start in a standing position with your arms at your side.
- Lunge forward on your right leg with your left leg extending behind you and bring your left arm in front of you as you extend your right arm back.
- Press back with your right leg and switch sides with your left leg forward in a lunge with right leg behind and left arm in front.
- Try to maintain a fluid “sliding” motion as you switch legs from front to back.
- Avoid dipping too deep—just slightly bend your knees, and if you have walking poles you can use them to help with balance and add more arm work.
7. Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise
10 reps
- Raise arms straight out in front, until shoulder height, and then lower back to your sides.
- Raise straight out to the sides of your body, making a T shape, untill your arms are even with your shoulders, and then lower to the sides of your body.
- Repeat these movements in an alternating pattern, 10 times each.
5-10 reps each side
- Lie flat on your back, and place your feet on top of the yoga ball. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle, and the entire back of your thigh and leg should be in contact with the ball.
- *Your baby can participate too! Have your child resting in the crease of your hip, straddling your belly.
Your hands can be up to support your child in place, or you can have them simply at your sides - With your feet on the ball, roll your knees to one side, untill your thigh touches the grass. Use your core and hip flexor muscles to lift your legs back up to the starting position
- Repeat on the opposite side, completing 5-10 reps on each side in an alternating pattern.
Week 37, Day 3
This is the 34th week of programmed workouts with the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!
Standard Warm Up
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
1 | Supported Lateral lunge | 10 each side |
2 | Glute Bridge Walk Out | 10 reps |
3 | Side Lying Abductor Lift | 10 each side |
4 | Bird Dogs arms Only | 10 reps each side |
5 | Plie Squat | 10 reps |
6 | Cross Country Skier | 10 reps each side |
7 | Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise | 10 reps |
8 | ball and baby knee rolls | 5-10 each side |
5-10 reps each side
- Start facing a wall or countertop with hands resting on the surface for balance support.
- Take a big step out to one side. Bend the knee of the stepping foot as you sit your hips back as if trying to sit in a chair. Keep the opposite leg straight.
- Return to the starting position then repeat going to the other side.
10 reps
- From a regular glute bridge starting position, on your back, push your hips up in the air.
- Holding this position, walk your feet out further from your body in small steps, taking 3-4 total steps. Then, walk your feet back under your hips.
- Keep your hips off the ground throughout the entire exercise. Repeat for 10 reps.
10 reps each side
- Lay on side with lower arm supporting head, upper arm in front for balance and legs straight in line with body. Slightly bend upper leg knee and squeeze glutes (bottom) as you bring leg back behind body and hold for several seconds.
- Slowly raise the upper leg above hip level and return to start position.
- Keep your hips stacked on top of each other as you do this.
- Repeat on opposite side.
Modification: If you are having trouble balancing in this position, bend your bottom hip and knee up a little. If you find yourself rolling backwards, do this next to wall with the wall behind you to help keep your from rolling backwards.
10 reps each side
- Assume a position on all fours so that your knees are directly under your hips and hands are directly under your shoulders.
- Make sure your spine is in a neutral position. You do not want to have your back sagging or arching.
- Lift right arm until it parallel to the floor without any tilting at the shoulders- both shoulders should stay parallel to the floor.
- Gently lower arm back to your starting position and repeat with the other arm.
5. Plie Squat
10 reps
- Start with your feet about shoulder width apart. This should be sightly closer than your normal squat position.
- Bend your knees to squat down about half way. Your knees should move out wide, away from the body.
- As you reach the partial squat position, hold the ball in front of your belly.
- Plie by raising your body up and raising ball overhead and until your legs are straight.
10 reps each side
- Start in a standing position with your arms at your side.
- Lunge forward on your right leg with your left leg extending behind you and bring your left arm in front of you as you extend your right arm back.
- Press back with your right leg and switch sides with your left leg forward in a lunge with right leg behind and left arm in front.
- Try to maintain a fluid “sliding” motion as you switch legs from front to back.
- Avoid dipping too deep—just slightly bend your knees, and if you have walking poles you can use them to help with balance and add more arm work.
7. Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise
10 reps
- Raise arms straight out in front, until shoulder height, and then lower back to your sides.
- Raise straight out to the sides of your body, making a T shape, untill your arms are even with your shoulders, and then lower to the sides of your body.
- Repeat these movements in an alternating pattern, 10 times each.
5-10 reps each side
- Lie flat on your back, and place your feet on top of the yoga ball. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle, and the entire back of your thigh and leg should be in contact with the ball.
- *Your baby can participate too! Have your child resting in the crease of your hip, straddling your belly.
Your hands can be up to support your child in place, or you can have them simply at your sides - With your feet on the ball, roll your knees to one side, untill your thigh touches the grass. Use your core and hip flexor muscles to lift your legs back up to the starting position
- Repeat on the opposite side, completing 5-10 reps on each side in an alternating pattern.
Week 27, Day 3
This is the 24th week of programmed workouts with the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!
Standard Warm Up
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
1 | Supported Lateral lunge | 10 each side |
2 | Glute Bridge Walk Out | 10 reps |
3 | Side Lying Abductor Lift | 10 each side |
4 | Bird Dogs arms Only | 10 reps each side |
5 | Plie Squat | 10 reps |
6 | Cross Country Skier | 10 reps each side |
7 | Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise | 10 reps |
8 | ball and baby knee rolls | 5-10 each side |
5-10 reps each side
- Start facing a wall or countertop with hands resting on the surface for balance support.
- Take a big step out to one side. Bend the knee of the stepping foot as you sit your hips back as if trying to sit in a chair. Keep the opposite leg straight.
- Return to the starting position then repeat going to the other side.
10 reps
- From a regular glute bridge starting position, on your back, push your hips up in the air.
- Holding this position, walk your feet out further from your body in small steps, taking 3-4 total steps. Then, walk your feet back under your hips.
- Keep your hips off the ground throughout the entire exercise. Repeat for 10 reps.
10 reps each side
- Lay on side with lower arm supporting head, upper arm in front for balance and legs straight in line with body. Slightly bend upper leg knee and squeeze glutes (bottom) as you bring leg back behind body and hold for several seconds.
- Slowly raise the upper leg above hip level and return to start position.
- Keep your hips stacked on top of each other as you do this.
- Repeat on opposite side.
Modification: If you are having trouble balancing in this position, bend your bottom hip and knee up a little. If you find yourself rolling backwards, do this next to wall with the wall behind you to help keep your from rolling backwards.
10 reps each side
- Assume a position on all fours so that your knees are directly under your hips and hands are directly under your shoulders.
- Make sure your spine is in a neutral position. You do not want to have your back sagging or arching.
- Lift right arm until it parallel to the floor without any tilting at the shoulders- both shoulders should stay parallel to the floor.
- Gently lower arm back to your starting position and repeat with the other arm.
5. Plie Squat
10 reps
- Start with your feet about shoulder width apart. This should be sightly closer than your normal squat position.
- Bend your knees to squat down about half way. Your knees should move out wide, away from the body.
- As you reach the partial squat position, hold the ball in front of your belly.
- Plie by raising your body up and raising ball overhead and until your legs are straight.
10 reps each side
- Start in a standing position with your arms at your side.
- Lunge forward on your right leg with your left leg extending behind you and bring your left arm in front of you as you extend your right arm back.
- Press back with your right leg and switch sides with your left leg forward in a lunge with right leg behind and left arm in front.
- Try to maintain a fluid “sliding” motion as you switch legs from front to back.
- Avoid dipping too deep—just slightly bend your knees, and if you have walking poles you can use them to help with balance and add more arm work.
7. Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise
10 reps
- Raise arms straight out in front, until shoulder height, and then lower back to your sides.
- Raise straight out to the sides of your body, making a T shape, untill your arms are even with your shoulders, and then lower to the sides of your body.
- Repeat these movements in an alternating pattern, 10 times each.
5-10 reps each side
- Lie flat on your back, and place your feet on top of the yoga ball. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle, and the entire back of your thigh and leg should be in contact with the ball.
- *Your baby can participate too! Have your child resting in the crease of your hip, straddling your belly.
Your hands can be up to support your child in place, or you can have them simply at your sides - With your feet on the ball, roll your knees to one side, untill your thigh touches the grass. Use your core and hip flexor muscles to lift your legs back up to the starting position
- Repeat on the opposite side, completing 5-10 reps on each side in an alternating pattern.
Week 26, Day 3
This is the 23rd week of programmed workouts with the BumptUp Beginner Pregnancy workouts.
Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.
We have created full-length workout videos for you to follow along with as you work alongside one of our talented ladies leading the workout! Just grab some water, a towel, press Play on the video above, and get ready to do 25 minutes with us!
If you’re more interested in a self-paced workout, please feel free to keep reading for the details of this workout, which includes videos and descriptions for each individual exercise. We hope you enjoy it!
Remember to complete full and proper warm up to activate all of our target muscle groups, as well as to get your heart rate up so you feel ready to move!!
Standard Warm Up
Here is a link to a 5 minute dynamic stretching warmup! The warm up is critical to make the most of your workout. Prepare your body to move at its best with a series of activation exercises before we move into our working sets.
Set a timer for 25 minutes.
Work through the required reps for each exercise before moving to the next one. Complete as many rounds as possible within the 25 minute time limit.
1 | Supported Lateral lunge | 10 each side |
2 | Glute Bridge Walk Out | 10 reps |
3 | Side Lying Abductor Lift | 10 each side |
4 | Bird Dogs arms Only | 10 reps each side |
5 | Plie Squat | 10 reps |
6 | Cross Country Skier | 10 reps each side |
7 | Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise | 10 reps |
8 | ball and baby knee rolls | 5-10 each side |
5-10 reps each side
- Start facing a wall or countertop with hands resting on the surface for balance support.
- Take a big step out to one side. Bend the knee of the stepping foot as you sit your hips back as if trying to sit in a chair. Keep the opposite leg straight.
- Return to the starting position then repeat going to the other side.
10 reps
- From a regular glute bridge starting position, on your back, push your hips up in the air.
- Holding this position, walk your feet out further from your body in small steps, taking 3-4 total steps. Then, walk your feet back under your hips.
- Keep your hips off the ground throughout the entire exercise. Repeat for 10 reps.
10 reps each side
- Lay on side with lower arm supporting head, upper arm in front for balance and legs straight in line with body. Slightly bend upper leg knee and squeeze glutes (bottom) as you bring leg back behind body and hold for several seconds.
- Slowly raise the upper leg above hip level and return to start position.
- Keep your hips stacked on top of each other as you do this.
- Repeat on opposite side.
Modification: If you are having trouble balancing in this position, bend your bottom hip and knee up a little. If you find yourself rolling backwards, do this next to wall with the wall behind you to help keep your from rolling backwards.
10 reps each side
- Assume a position on all fours so that your knees are directly under your hips and hands are directly under your shoulders.
- Make sure your spine is in a neutral position. You do not want to have your back sagging or arching.
- Lift right arm until it parallel to the floor without any tilting at the shoulders- both shoulders should stay parallel to the floor.
- Gently lower arm back to your starting position and repeat with the other arm.
5. Plie Squat
10 reps
- Start with your feet about shoulder width apart. This should be sightly closer than your normal squat position.
- Bend your knees to squat down about half way. Your knees should move out wide, away from the body.
- As you reach the partial squat position, hold the ball in front of your belly.
- Plie by raising your body up and raising ball overhead and until your legs are straight.
10 reps each side
- Start in a standing position with your arms at your side.
- Lunge forward on your right leg with your left leg extending behind you and bring your left arm in front of you as you extend your right arm back.
- Press back with your right leg and switch sides with your left leg forward in a lunge with right leg behind and left arm in front.
- Try to maintain a fluid “sliding” motion as you switch legs from front to back.
- Avoid dipping too deep—just slightly bend your knees, and if you have walking poles you can use them to help with balance and add more arm work.
7. Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise
10 reps
- Raise arms straight out in front, until shoulder height, and then lower back to your sides.
- Raise straight out to the sides of your body, making a T shape, untill your arms are even with your shoulders, and then lower to the sides of your body.
- Repeat these movements in an alternating pattern, 10 times each.
5-10 reps each side
- Lie flat on your back, and place your feet on top of the yoga ball. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle, and the entire back of your thigh and leg should be in contact with the ball.
- *Your baby can participate too! Have your child resting in the crease of your hip, straddling your belly.
Your hands can be up to support your child in place, or you can have them simply at your sides - With your feet on the ball, roll your knees to one side, untill your thigh touches the grass. Use your core and hip flexor muscles to lift your legs back up to the starting position
- Repeat on the opposite side, completing 5-10 reps on each side in an alternating pattern.