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(Difficulty: Beginner)


Stand in an area with plenty of space to your left and right. Push off with the left foot and bring it towards the right foot. While maintaining balance and twisting your torso, continue to move in this direction and cross the left foot behind the right foot and plant it on the ground. Move the right foot laterally as you plant your left foot behind you and push off In this direction.

Practice this slowly until you understand the movements then gradually speed up until you reach a steady speed that is comfortable for you.

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Ball and Baby Shoulder Roll

(Difficulty: Beginner)

equipment: yoga ball


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Ball and Baby Pushup

(Difficulty: Intermediate)

equipment: yoga ball


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Ball and Baby Lower Ab Roll

(Difficulty: Advanced)

equipment: yoga ball


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Ball and Baby Knee Rolls

(Difficulty: Advanced)

equipment: yoga ball


  • Lie flat on your back, and place your feet on top of the yoga ball. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle, and the entire back of your thigh and leg should be in contact with the ball.
  • *Your baby can participate too! Have your child resting in the crease of your hip, straddling your belly.
    Your hands can be up to support your child in place, or you can have them simply at your sides
  • With your feet on the ball, roll your knees to one side, untill your thigh touches the grass. Use your core and hip flexor muscles to lift your legs back up to the starting position
  • Repeat on the opposite side, completing 5-10 reps on each side in an alternating pattern.
Aerobics needs description

Ball and Baby Hip Lift

(Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced)

equipment: yoga ball
