
Supine Spine Rotation

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Equipment: Pillows or wedge


  • Lay flat on your back if in your first trimester,or use pillows or a wedge to raise your upper body if in later trimesters.
  • Place the right hand behind the head and extend the left arm out to the side in line with shoulder
  • Bring your knees to bent knee position and then slowly lower both legs to one side.
  • Repeat on opposite side.

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Seated Spine Rotation

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Equipment: None


  • Sit with one leg extended and one leg bent at the knee with the sole of that foot placed against inner thigh.
  • Slowly rotate to the side of the bent knee keeping the spine erect.
  • Place your hands on the ground as your reach into the stretch.
  • Repeat on opposite side.

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Standing Hip Circle

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Equipment: None


  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart 
  • Circle your hips and pelvis to the front, left, back, and right side. 
  • Repeat in opposite direction.

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Back Stretch with Ball

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Equipment: stability ball


  • Kneel on the floor with the ball in front of body. 
  • Place both hands on the ball and lean forward, rolling the ball away from the body. Lower the head so that the ears are between straight arms.
  • Roll the ball forward, then to each side.


Place 2-3 pillows under your bottom (on top of the back of your lower legs) and rest your bottom on the pillows as your stretch.

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Back Stretch with Support

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Equipment: Wall or chair


  • Stand facing arm-length away from a wall or heavy chair. 
  • Bend forward at the hips keeping a soft bend in the knees and your back straight until you feel a stretch in the back, hips, and upper legs.

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Door Stretch

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Equipment: Doorway


  • Stand with elbows bent and hands at shoulder level on each side of doorway. 
  • Slowly lean forward keeping your body straight until you feel a stretch in the chest.
  • Press back to start position.

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Wall Stretch

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Equipment: Wall


  • Stand with back against the wall, palms facing forward and hands down at sides.
  • Take a breath in and as you exhale slowly raise your arms up overhead, keeping your arms and hands touching the wall as you lift.
  • Raise arms only to the point where you can maintain contact against the wall.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and down away from your ears.
  • Return to start position.

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Child’s Pose

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Equipment: Pillow


  • Begin in a hands and knees position on the floor with a pillow at an arms length in front of you.
  • Widen your knees to allow your belly to comfortably lie between the legs as you press down towards the floor and reach your arms in front of you on top of the pillow.
  • Hold for several seconds.


Place 1-3 pillows behind your bottom and on top of the backs of your lower legs. As you sit back, rest your bottom on the pillows instead of your legs/heels.

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Seated Forward Back Stretch

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Equipment: Low stool/chair


  • Sit with your hips near the edge of the chair and knees wide apart.
  • Lean forward and drop your arms down towards the floor, allowing the belly to comfortably drop between the legs. 
  • Relax in this position for several seconds.
  • Use your hands to press your body back up into an upright position.

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Seated Back Stretch

Exercise Classification: Beginner

Equipment: Low stool/chair or table


  • Sit in a chair that is positioned with a table or stool in front of you.
  • Place arms on top of the table-position distance so you can comfortable lean forward on the table.
  • Bend forward from the hip joint, keeping the back straight, until the head rests on the table.
  • Tighten the abdomen and press backward slightly from your lower back.
  • Roll up through your spine as you come back to your starting position.

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