
Jog Walk Intervals

(Difficulty: Beginner)


Start a timer for 30 seconds. Try to keep moving for the entire 30 seconds at a comfortable pace.


  • If you have open space, take off on a jog in the same direction for 15 seconds. At the fifteen-second mark, turn around and walk back to the start. Repeat this 2 times for a total of 30 seconds of jogging
  • Jog laps around your kitchen table or your front yard, or even continuously in place! Feel free to get creative
  • You may slow down or stop to walk during this interval, however, try to build up to being able to complete the entire thirty seconds without stopping.
Aerobics Exercises

Jumping Jacks

(Difficulty: Beginner)


Stand straight up with your feet together and arms at your sides.

Jump up, spreading your legs to the sides while simultaneously raising your arms out to the sies and overhead.

Jump again, this time bringing your feet back together and lowering your arms.

Repeat for 10 reps in a fluid motion.


Standard Warm Up

Before any of our suggested workouts or building your own from our library of exercises, do this quick whole-body 5 minute warm-up!

Note: This counts as part of your total exercise minutes for the week!

Aerobics Exercises

Scissor Hops

(Difficulty: Beginner)

Start in a split stance, with one foot slightly in front of the other. With each small jump, switch your feet.

Knees should stay almost straight, and hops should be about as small as if you were jump roping.


Glute Bridge

(Difficulty: Beginner)

Start lying flat on your back, with knees bent and feet planted on the floor near your hips. Push through your heels, raising your hips in the air.

Think about squeezing your glutes and hamstrings at the top, holding for 1-2 seconds

*If you get dizzy laying flat on your back, place 2-3 pillows behind your head, neck and upper back so that you are lying on an incline. You can also sit on the ground and lean against your couch or any piece of furniture that won’t move.

  • to increase difficulty: elevate your feet on a chair or couch, keep the core tight as your raise your hips higher into the air

How to Lift a Carrier Correctly

Life and Carry Carrier (Exercise Classification: Beginner)

Equipment: baby carrier

  • Stand to one side of the carrier and face the baby carrier and baby so the baby is facing towards your back
  • Squat down and put your arm through the handle so that the handle is in line with your elbow
  • Grab the plastic side piece of the handle  and get a firm grip.
  • Stand up by pushing with your legs.

Abdominal Massage

Note: You will need to be logged into a YouTube account to see this video.

Abdominal Massage

Equipment: none

  • Begin laying on your back with your legs resting on 2-3 pillows under the knees.
  • If you are >20 weeks pregnant, put pillows or a wedge under you upper back, shoulders, and head so that you are propped up and not completely flat (~30 degrees).
  • You can perform this technique over clothing or directly on skin.
  • This is sometimes called the “I Love You” massage because you will be tracing the letters “I” “L” and “U” on your belly.
  • “I”- put your left hand flat on the left side of your belly, up near your bottom ribs. Use the palm and heel of your hand to rub from the back to the front and down towards your feet with whatever amount of pressure feels good. You do not need a lot of pressure for this to work.
  • It should take 3-5 strokes to work your way down your left side.
  • Repeat the “I” 5-10 times.
  • “L”- Now move to the upper right side of your belly by your lower ribs. You will use the same technique to massage across the front of your belly just under your ribs and then repeat the “I”.
  • Repeat 5-10 times
  • CAUTION: Do not do this within 30 minutes of eating. The area under your ribs can be very sensitive and uncomfortable as food digests.
  • “U”- Now you will move down to the right lower side of your belly by your right hip bone. You will use a flat hand, palm, and heel of your hand to massage from back to front and up towards your head. When you get the bottom of your rib cage on the right (starting position for the “L”) repeat the “L” and then the “I”
  • Repeat 5-10 times
  • This can be done at anytime during the day but works best at night before going to bed or in the morning just after waking up.
Aerobics Exercises

Heel Lifts Plyo

Dip and Turn (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: none 

-Begin with hands on your hips in a standing position, legs approximately shoulder width apart. 

-Transfer your weight from left to right foot while kicking your heel to your backside every time it leaves the ground.

-Alternate back and forth continuously like jogging in place, but with emphasis on bringing your heel to your backside. 


Aerobics Exercises

Cardio Squat with Hop

Cardio squat with Hop (Exercise Classification: Advanced)

Equipment: none 

-Begin standing legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart. 

-When ready, bend your knees and squat downward, bringing your bottomtowards the ground. 

-Once your legs are parallel to the ground,push up off the ground letting your feet leave the surface allowing jump to occur. 

-When you land, bend your knees, squat again and repeat the process. 

-You may find yourself bringing your arms to your chest on the squat and using them to swing down during the jump for an extra push. 

-Repeat 10 times

Aerobics Exercises

Pallof Press with Step

Pallof Press with Step (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Band-If you do not have a band, try this with a jump rope, scarf, or even a tied up blanket. 

Stand with legs shoulder width apart and grab the exercise band with two hands clasped together. 

-Hold the band at your chest with bent arms

-Slowly extend your arms straight in front of you while keeping hands together and around the band

 -While extending your arm step the leg opposite to the band side out to the front, side, and behind you. Alternate each time.

 -Bend your arms back to your chest slowly and with control

-Repeat 10 times