
Upright Row and Overhead Press

Difficulty: Intermediate


Hold your weights, in front of you, standing straight with your feet underneath your hips and your toes facing forward. Rest your arms along the front of your body until the dumbbells are in front of your thighs.

Face your palms toward your body. Raise the dumbbells to your chest. Keep the weights close to your body. Turn your elbows lower than your hands as you rotate your palms to face outward. Straighten your arms overhead then return to the original position.


Toe Walk

(Difficulty: Beginner)


  • Find a distance of about 10-15 yards. Stand on your toes, and walk the full distance without letting your heels touch the ground.
  • Walk all the way there and back.

Table Top Bird Dog

(Difficulty: Intermediate)


Begin on all fours, knees planted directly below the waist and hands planted directly below the shoulders.

Carefully extend your left back leg behind you and simultaneously extend your right arm in front of you.

Pull them back to the starting position and do the same for the opposite leg and arm.


Supine Single Leg Lift

(Difficulty: Beginner)


  • Start lying flat on your back. Bend one knee in with your foot on the ground, and the other leg straight.
  • Lift the leg that is straight in the air, all the way to 90 degrees. Keep your arms at your sides, and control the movement to lower the leg back down.
  • Complete 10 reps on one side before switching to the opposite side
  • Modification: if lying on your back caused you to feel dizzy, place a few pillows or lie on an incline with your head elevated

Step Up with Overhead Press

(Difficulty: Beginner)


  • Find a small box or stair step to be used for a step up
  • Hold a small weight in each hand.
  • Place your right foot on the box, while at the same time, curling the weights up to shoulder level.
  • Push through your right foot to bring your left foot onto the box. When you have stepped all the way onto the box, push the weights all the way above your head.
  • Step back down from the box, leading with your left leg. At the same time, lower the weights back to shoulder level.
  • Step all the way off of the box, lowering the weights straight to your sides.
  • Alternate between leading with your right and left legs. Complete 5 reps on each side, for a total of 10 reps

Staggered Stance Good Morning

(Difficulty: Beginner)


  • Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other, knees almost straight (but not locked out!)
  • Cross your arms in front of your chest
  • Bend at your hips, keeping your back flat and knees (almost) straight. You should feel a stretch in the hamstrings (back of the thigh) of the front leg.
  • Squeeze your glutes to lift your chest back up to the starting position. Complete 5-10 reps on one side before switching sides.

Split Squat

(Difficulty: Beginner)

To perform a split squat:

  • Stand with one foot forward and the other foot back.
  • Lower your body by bending both knees.
  • Keep your front foot flat on the ground and your back heel lifted, keeping your toes on the ground.
  • Lower until your front thigh is parallel to the ground, and back knee is almost touching the ground.
  • Push through your front heel to return to the starting position.
  • Complete required reps without moving your feet, and then switch legs to complete the reps on the opposite side.

Soup Can Lateral Raise

(Difficulty: Beginner)


beginner pregnancy workouts (no equipment)

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a lightweight such as a soup can or dumbell in each hand. keeping your arms straight, lift your hands away from your body. Make a T shape with your arms, and then lower back to your sides in a controlled motion


Soup Can Front to Lateral T Raise

(Difficulty: Beginner)


  • Raise arms straight out in front, until shoulder height, and then lower back to your sides.
  • Raise straight out to the sides of your body, making a T shape, untill your arms are even with your shoulders, and then lower to the sides of your body.
  • Repeat these movements in an alternating pattern, 10 times each.

Single Leg Knee to Chest Glute Bridge

Difficulty: Advanced


Start flat on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Bring one knee to your chest, and place your hands around the knee to pull it closer to your body

Lift your hips in the air with one foot still on the ground, squeezing your glutes at the top. Return to the ground, and repeat all 10 reps on one side before switching sides.

Modification: use a strap or band to bring your knee to your chest if you can not reach your knee or your belly is in the way.