Pregnancy Article

Diastasis During Pregnancy

What is Diastasis?

Diastasis Recti, or abdominal separation, is one of the many changes that may happen in your body if you are pregnant. Indeed, diastasis is actually unavoidable during pregnancy. Research has confirmed that nearly 100% of women experience abdominal separation by the end of their third trimester. The degree to which this separation occurs varies among women; but it is, in fact, an unavoidable phenomenon. 

In order to understand diastasis, we first need to examine how the abdominal muscles connect with each other. Every person’s abdominal muscles are separated down the middle and connected by a band of tissue called the linea alba. The linea alba allows for abdominal expansion during normal daily activities, such as breathing. Without it, your body would not be able to adapt to your needs. Your abdomen needs to expand in order to function properly. 

Is Diastasis Preventable?

Pregnancy requires abdominal expansion over a significant amount of time. Diastasis must occur in order for your baby to grow. Hormones also surge and increase during pregnancy. Relaxin is one such hormone that increases the laxity in your joints and tissue. Without these hormones, your abdomen would not be allowed to expand as your baby grows. Women are often frightened by diastasis happening to them during pregnancy, but it is truly unavoidable. Once we understand how the abdomen is designed, we can then understand why diastasis occurs. It is nothing to be feared! There are some techniques you can employ in order to manage the degree of separation that may occur. 

How Can I Manage Diastasis During Pregnancy?

While we cannot avoid diastasis from happening during pregnancy, we can attempt to minimize the severity and help quicken the healing process postpartum. This can all be achieved by training your core throughout your pregnancy! Focus on these simple tips:

  • Inhale during the easier part of the exercise and exhale during the hard part
  • Modify exercises throughout each trimester as your body changes
  • Stack your ribs over your pelvis during exercises for proper alignment
  • Decrease reps, sets, or weight as needed throughout each trimester

Training safely during pregnancy will set you up for a more positive postpartum healing journey. Diastasis typically resolves on its own after labor and delivery, but it is important not to jump back into too much activity while you are still healing. Lastly, give yourself grace. You’re growing life, and that is something to be celebrated and cherished!



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