Pregnancy Article

Belly Support Tools During Pregnancy

As you near the third trimester, you might be feeling the added pressure of your growing belly! Whether it’s simply uncomfortable or downright painful, we can all agree that it’s no fun. You might be experiencing round ligament pain, pelvic heaviness, or back pain. Thankfully, there are a plethora of belly support tools available for you to try! In this article, I hope to shed some light on belly bands and kinesio tape.

Belly Bands

Belly support bands provide just enough compression to support your hips and back during pregnancy. Their material is flexible, not rigid, and wraps around the entire abdomen. Belly bands come in all different shapes, sizes, and patterns. Some women like to wear them to close the gap in their unzipped jeans too! 

Women who use belly bands during pregnancy report having less back pain, less pressure on their bladder, and more stable hip joints. The band is designed to distribute weight more evenly, which is why pressure is taken off the back and ligaments in the hips, causing less pain! Additionally, some women have stated that their balance improved when they wore a belly band due to the more even weight distribution. According to the ACOG, wearing a belly band during exercise may help to avoid injury as well as make walking and jogging easier. It can also provide more stability during weight lifting. 

Because the belly band provides gentle compression, it should not be worn all the time. Try to wear it when you are feeling more uncomfortable and are needing some relief. Your baby needs proper blood flow and constant use may prohibit this! Your belly band should be snug without being too tight. You will know if it’s too tight as it will become extremely uncomfortable really fast! 

Kinesio Tape

You may have heard of kinesio tape, or k-tape, as a tool to support your growing belly during pregnancy! Just like belly bands, k-tape is a safe and easy way to reduce the aches and pains that come along with the third trimester. Not only can k-tape relieve back and hip pain as well as lighten the load put on your bladder, it can also help reduce swelling in your feet and ankles! Strategically placed tape lifts the growing belly and decreases pressure put on the lymphatic vessels, causing them to drain more efficiently. Additionally, taping around the torso can make it easier for you to breathe comfortably.

It is important to note that kinesio tape causes skin irritation in some people. Pregnancy causes the skin to change and become more sensitive as it is, so be aware that taping might make the skin more irritated! Always talk to your birth team before adding something new into your regimen. It might help you feel more confident taping on your own if you have learned a few techniques from your provider first! 



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