LOSSB Programed Workouts

Week 6 Workout 1 

Start the timer when you begin, and don’t forget to log your exercise once you’re finished.

This is the first day of your sixth week of programmed workouts in the BumptUp Post Pregnancy Workouts.

Warm Up

3 min:
Breathing – standing

  • Breathe in slowly letting the lower ribcage expand outward in all directions (360 degrees) as you inhale (your shoulders or upper body should not move). Imagine a belt looped around your lower ribs and you are trying to push through the belt with your breathing.
  • Exhale slowly allowing your lower ribcage to relax as you breathe out totally relaxing the body.  

3 rounds:
Shinbox (5 per side)

  • From a seated position, position your front leg in a 90 degree angle and your back leg in a 90 degree angle. One hip internally rotated and the other hip externally rotated. Engage your glutes and press the knee of your externally rotated leg into the ground, which will drive your hips up and over.

3 rounds:
Adductor Rock Back (5 per side)

  • Start by positioning yourself on your hands and knees. Lower yourself to the ground pushing your posterior back and extending your leg extended to the side.
  • You can gently rock here back and forth, then switch sides.


3 rounds:
Birddogs (8 per side)

  • Begin on all fours, knees planted directly below the waist and hands planted directly below the shoulders.
  • Carefully extend your left back leg behind you and simultaneously extend your right arm in front of you.
  • Pull them back to the starting position and do the same for the opposite leg and arm.

3 rounds:
Half-Kneel Elbow to Knee (8 per side)


3 rounds:
Goblet Squats (7-9 reps)

  • You can either choose to use a weight or not. Hold your hands or weight in your hands directly in front of your chest. Spread your legs slightly and push your behind back as you bend your knees.
  • Press down into a full squat and then back up.
  • Rest 60-90 seconds between rounds.

3 rounds:
Kettlebell Deadlift – Stance B (8 per side)

  • Stand with a leg positioned slightly bent behind the foot staggerstanced (B-stance).
  • Hold a weight of your choice (kettlebell, dumbbell, gallon of milk, etc) in your hands with your arms straight.
  • Keeping a soft bend in your knees, hinge forward from your hips as you lower the weight as if trying to touch the ground. Keep the weight as close to you as possible.
  • Push your heels through the ground as you stand back up. 

3 rounds:
Floor Press (8 reps)

  • Lying down on your back with your legs bent hold a weight in each hand. (be careful not to drop the weight) Extend the weights straight above you each wrist stacked over each shoulder. Carefully lower the weights down to your chest by bending your elbows. Extend your arms back to the starting position and you have completed one rep.

3 rounds:
Bent-Over Rows (8 per side)

  • Hold a weight (milk jug, kettle bell) in the hand on the opposite side of the leg that is in front. (Ex: left leg in front, right arm holding kettle bell).
  • Complete 10 reps on one side before switching arms. Make sure to switch your feet as well!
  • Have a slight lean forward, so that your chest is towards the front leg. Bend your elbow to pull the weight up to your hip. You should feel this exercise in the upper arm and shoulder.
  • Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top, and then return to the start by fully straightening the arm.


3 rounds:
Hip Flexor Marches (8 per side)

2 rounds:
Fire Hydrants (5 per side)

  • Start on your hands and knees with your back parallel to the ground. Slowly lift one leg, keeping it bent at the knee out to the side of your body. Lift it as high as you feel comfortable then return it to the ground. Repeat on the other side.


Thoracic Rotation (30 seconds per side)

  • Begin by laying on your back on the floor and stretch out your arms to the side with your palms facing the ground. 
  • While keeping your upper body flat against the ground bend a leg at the knee. Lift and cross this leg over the other and hold. 
  • Repeat on the other side. 

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