
Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift

Exercise Classification: Advanced


Shoulder Tap

Shoulder Tap (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: none

-Begin by getting into tabletop position, hands, and knees on the ground with a straight back.

-Using your core to stabilize you, lift one palm off the ground and reach across to tap the opposite shoulder. 

-Alternate between left and right arms tapping the opposite shoulder

-Repeat 10 times



Exercise Classification: Advanced


Seated Strict Press

Seated Strict Press (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Dumbbells, or something of similar weight such as soup cans

Begin by sitting on the ground with your legs out in front of you.

Modification: If sitting with legs straight out in front causes low blood pressure, bend knees and place feet flat on ground or sit with legs crossed

-Grab two dumbbells and make a goalpost shape with your arms 

-Slow and controlled push the weights overhead until they reach the top

Modification: Turn palms to face each other if pressing overhead with hands facing forward is uncomfortable

-Carefully lower back down to the goalpost position 

 -Repeat 10 times


Reverse Lunge

Seated Strict Press (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: none

-Standing shoulder width apart, step one leg behind you while at the same time bending your knees

-Go down as far as feels comfortable without your back knee touching the ground

-Keep the knee of your front leg behind your toe when bending 

-Step the back leg back up front to the other leg

-Repeat 10 times 



Seated Strict Press (Exercise Classification: Advanced)

Equipment: none

-Starting on your knees place both hands on the mat in front of you, slightly past shoulder width apart 

 -Bending at the elbows, slowly lower your upper body down towards the mat until your chest just touches the floor

-Push up off the ground and straighten your arms until your back in starting position

-Repeat 10 times 



Exercise Classification: Beginner



Exercise Classification: Intermediate


Pallof Press

Pallof Press (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Band-If you do not have a band, try this with a jump rope, scarf, or even a tied up blanket. 

-Stand with legs shoulder width apart and grab the exercise band with two hands clasped together. 

 -Hold the band your chest with bent arms

-Slowly extend your arms straight in front of you while keeping hands together and around the band 

-Bend your arms back to your chest slowly and with control

-Repeat 10 times 

Aerobics Exercises

Pallof Press with Step

Pallof Press with Step (Exercise Classification: Intermediate)

Equipment: Band-If you do not have a band, try this with a jump rope, scarf, or even a tied up blanket. 

Stand with legs shoulder width apart and grab the exercise band with two hands clasped together. 

-Hold the band at your chest with bent arms

-Slowly extend your arms straight in front of you while keeping hands together and around the band

 -While extending your arm step the leg opposite to the band side out to the front, side, and behind you. Alternate each time.

 -Bend your arms back to your chest slowly and with control

-Repeat 10 times