
Clamshell Variations for Hip Strength and Mobility

Side-Lying Clamshell with an End-Range Hold
Side-Lying Clamshell with Added Hip Internal Rotation

Clamshell Variations for hip strength and mobility (exercise classification: beginner/intermediate)

If clamshells are too easy or you want to mix your routine up a little, try one of these variations. In the first variation, you are lifting your leg as high as you can with good form and then using your bottom muscles to hold it there. Vary your hold times from 3-10 seconds, with longer holders making for a harder exercise. Lower your leg down slowly. In the second variation, you are working on hip rotation mobility into both directions instead of just one. Make sure you are breathing the entire time. If you want to get a little more out of the exercises, try one set with your belly relaxed and one set with your belly muscles tightened with a 50% effort.

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