Weekly Tips

Nutrition for Postpartum Recovery

Nutrition can play an integral role in your postpartum recovery. Below are some important nutrients for the fourth trimester.


Iron is ultimately responsible for transporting oxygen throughout your blood. This is an especially important nutrient to consume after blood loss. Managing your iron levels can also help battle fatigue.

Foods that are high in iron: red meat, liver, spinach, and lentils

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids (especially DHA) are important for both mom and baby’s brain function. So even if you aren’t breastfeeding, it’s important for you to nourish your body with this nutrient. 

Foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids: salmon, eggs, grass-fed beef, walnuts


Fiber is essential for maintaining normal bowel movements

Foods that are high in fiber: raspberries, apple, green peas, quinoa


Zinc is important for immune health as well as the production of proteins in your body. Zinc has also been shown to be beneficial for wound healing.

Foods that are high in zinc: oysters, pumpkin seeds, lamb, cashews


Choline is essential to brain development and is especially important for breastfeeding moms.

Foods that are high in choline: eggs, fish, chicken, kidney beans

A note on breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is said to burn an additional 500 calories per day. At least in the beginning, I recommend listening to your hunger cues to make sure that you are properly fueling your body for breast milk production. If the reduction of calories for weight loss is desired, this would be something better adjusted after you have recovered from delivery and have a firm handle on breastfeeding. 

Casey Thomas-Hardesty, MS, NTP

Two Peas Wellness

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