Weekly Tips

Medications in the Postpartum Period

Congratulations, Mom! Now, some considerations for medications during postpartum. If you are breast feeding, remember that some medications you take can pass to your baby in breast milk. Medications to avoid if you’re breastfeeding include chemotherapy drugs, some mood stabilizers and antipsychotics, certain antibiotics (Metronidazole, Tetracyclines, Sulfa drugs, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin), Atenolol, Retinoids, and Radiocontrast media. If you consume alcohol, delay consumption until after feeding and wait at least 2 hours after a single serving to feed again. High caffeine intake can cause infant irritability and poor sleep. Avoid illegal drugs, including marijuana, and smoking around your baby.  Remember drugs that make you sleepy or altered can have the same effect on your baby! Avoid estrogen containing birth control or medications immediately after delivery as this can increase your risk for a blood clot and decrease milk production. Let all medical providers know you are breast feeding before starting any new medication and refer to free LactMed website ( or app for a full list of medications and recommendations.


Breastfeeding and Maternal Medication, Recommendations for Drugs in the 11th WHO Model List of Essential Drugs, Dept of Child and Adolescent Health and Development;jsessionid=A0CC6334934CFEBDBD55209660AF58D5?sequence=1

Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2006.- LactMed App. [Updated 2019 Dec 16]. Available from:

Author: Laurel Carbone, MD

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