Weekly Tips

Breast Engorgement

Breast engorgement is one of the leading causes of postpartum pain. It is caused by high volumes of breast milk in the breast ducts or a clogged milk duct. Symptoms include skin redness, warmth to touch and pain. You may also notice flattening of the nipple and difficulty of latching for newborn. Many women find relief with increased frequency of breast feeding, pumping or hand expression of breast milk before and after breastfeeding. You can also try cold packs and breast massage to decrease swelling. Some women may also benefit from anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen.

In some situations, women may develop a condition called mastitis (inflammation and/or infection in breast tissue). If you experience the above symptoms (skin redness, warmth to touch, pain) as well as fever and fatigue, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately. You may need an antibiotic to treat the infection. Mastitis can make you feel very sick, so do not delay getting help!

Need help learning how to hand express breast milk? Click here to see a video from Breastfeeding Medicine of Northeast Ohio: The Basics of Breast Massage and Hand Expression

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