
Upper Back Squeeze

Upper back squeeze (Exercise Classification: Beginner)

Equipment: None


  • Sit on the floor with your knees to the side and feet resting on floor. 
  • Place palms on the back of your head and squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for five seconds.

*Place 1-2 pillows underneath the outsides of each of your knees if this position bothers your hips.

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Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic Breathing (Exercise Classification: Beginner)

Equipment: None first trimester and postpartum, wedge or pillows second and third 


  • Lie on your back with knees bent and a neutral spine.  
  • Breathe in slowly letting the lower ribcage expand outward in all directions (360 degrees) as you inhale (your shoulders or upper body should not move). Imagine a belt looped around your lower ribs and you are trying to push through the belt with your breathing.
  • Exhale slowly allowing your lower ribcage relax as you breathe out totally relaxing the body. 

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Modified Sahrmann #1

Modified Sahrmann #1 (Exercise Classification: Beginner)

Equipment: Exercise ball, wedge or pillows.


  • Lean against a stability ball that is placed against a wall for support. Pillows or a wedge can be used instead to raise upper body so your head is above your belly. 
  • Bend both knees, place feet flat on the floor, and rest the forearms on the floor. 
  • Take a breath in and as you exhale, tighten your tummy and hold the contraction as you perform the exercise. 
  • Keeping one knee bent, continue to hold your tummy contraction as you inhale and then exhale as you slowly slide the other leg out until it is parallel with the floor. Then slide the leg back to the bent knee position.  

Repeat on opposite side. 

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Side Lying Transverse Abdominis

Side lying transverse adomonis (Exercise Classification: Beginner)

Equipment: None


  • Lay down on your side with knees bent and legs together. Place upper hand on hip and support head with the other hand.
  • Take a breath in and as you exhale pull your tummy inward and hold the contraction.
  • Hold the abdominal contraction but breath normally as you raise your top knee as you turn your inner thigh outward keeping your ankles together and hold for five seconds.
  • Return to start position and repeat.

Switch to opposite side and repeat

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