Weekly Tips


F.I.T.T. Framework for Pregnancy

F.I.T.T. stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise. This framework can help you decide on exercise programming that works for YOU and YOUR schedule! The ultimate goal of using BumptUp is to hit 150min of moderate exercise per week. Use this framework to help you do that!

Frequency- aim for exercising at least 3-4 times per week (but work up to daily)

Intensity– Shoot for an intensity that makes your heart beat faster and breath harder, but keep it to where you can still carry on a conversation. This is called the “talk test” and can keep you at a level that is not going to overexert yourself. If you are a very active person and used to more intense activity, it is okay to work even harder!

Time– anywhere from 20-60 minutes. Note: it is okay to break this up into 10min sessions throughout the day!

Type– This part should be based purely on what YOU enjoy doing the most! If you love to walk, walk! If you like to run, run! If you like to cycle, cycle! If you like to play tennis, play tennis! If you like to dance, dance! Choose a mode that sets you up to be successful! And if you don’t know what you like to do, visit our full body workout section of the app!! We can help you pick safe and effective exercises to create your own workouts!

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