
Single Leg RDL (Romanian Deadlift)

Difficulty: Advanced

The acronym RDL is a common term for any form of Romanian Deadlift. A key component to this exercise is the hinge, or bending at the hips, while the knees stay relatively straight. Keep the back flat, head looking forward.

Single leg RDL

Start with one foot slightly in front of the other, with the back foot elevated and toes in the ground.

As you hinge at the hips, keep the back leg extended behind you. Your back leg should raise in the air as your chest leans forward.

The front foot, or working leg, should feel this in the hamstrings (back of legs) and glutes (booty)!

  • hold a weight with arms straight, or hold one dumbell (or soup can!) in each hand
  • using a resistance band, stand on the center of the band, anchoring it with your midfoot. Reach down to grasp each end of the band firmly, so that the band increases tension throughout the movement.

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