
Shoulder Wall Slides Facing the Wall

Shoulder Wall Slides Facing Wall (Exercise Classification: Beginner)

Equipment: wall

  • Face a wall and start by standing ~ 6 inches from the wall
  • Rest the pinky finger side of your hands and forearms on the wall shoulder distance apart with your elbows at chest height.
  • Your feet should be hip distance, or a little wider, apart and your knees soft with a small bend.
  • Slide your arms up with wall in a straight line.
  • At the very top, take a deep breath in through your nose as you reach towards the ceiling and lean into the wall a little.
  • If it feels good, you can also shrug your shoulders towards your ears as you do this.
  • Then exhale gently through your mouth as you let your forearms slide back down the wall to their starting position, leading with your elbows.
  • Forearms should touch the wall the entire time.
  • Repeat for 5-10 repetitions. 

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