
Back to Wall Shoulder Flexion

Back to wall shoulder Flexion (Exercise Classification: beginner)

Equipment: wall

  • Start standing with your back resting against a wall
  • Walk your feet out so that the wall is supporting your low back and your thighs do not feel like they are working to hold your up
  • Place your feet roughly hip distance apart.
  • Breathing normally through your nose, start with your arms down at your side and your thumbs facing the ceiling in a “thumbs up” position
  • Keeping your elbows straight and your low back on the wall, raise your arms in front of you moving them overhead. The movement should come from your shoulders.
  • Once they are above you, take a deep breath in through your nose as you reach up like you were trying to make yourself tall and touch then ceiling.
  • Then gently and slowly exhale through pursed lips as if blowing through a straw as you bring your arms back down to your sides.
  • Repeat 5-10 repetitions.

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