
Abdominal Massage

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Abdominal Massage

Equipment: none

  • Begin laying on your back with your legs resting on 2-3 pillows under the knees.
  • If you are >20 weeks pregnant, put pillows or a wedge under you upper back, shoulders, and head so that you are propped up and not completely flat (~30 degrees).
  • You can perform this technique over clothing or directly on skin.
  • This is sometimes called the “I Love You” massage because you will be tracing the letters “I” “L” and “U” on your belly.
  • “I”- put your left hand flat on the left side of your belly, up near your bottom ribs. Use the palm and heel of your hand to rub from the back to the front and down towards your feet with whatever amount of pressure feels good. You do not need a lot of pressure for this to work.
  • It should take 3-5 strokes to work your way down your left side.
  • Repeat the “I” 5-10 times.
  • “L”- Now move to the upper right side of your belly by your lower ribs. You will use the same technique to massage across the front of your belly just under your ribs and then repeat the “I”.
  • Repeat 5-10 times
  • CAUTION: Do not do this within 30 minutes of eating. The area under your ribs can be very sensitive and uncomfortable as food digests.
  • “U”- Now you will move down to the right lower side of your belly by your right hip bone. You will use a flat hand, palm, and heel of your hand to massage from back to front and up towards your head. When you get the bottom of your rib cage on the right (starting position for the “L”) repeat the “L” and then the “I”
  • Repeat 5-10 times
  • This can be done at anytime during the day but works best at night before going to bed or in the morning just after waking up.

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